The Jesuits: Cultures,Sciences,and the Arts,1540-1773

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Author: John W. O'Malley

ISBN-10: 0802042872

ISBN-13: 9780802042873

Category: Religious Orders - Jesuits

In recent years scholars in a range of disciplines have begun to re-evaluate the history of the Society of Jesus. Approaching the subject with new questions and methods, they have reconsidered the importance of the Society in many sectors, including those related to the sciences and the arts. They have also looked at the Jesuits as emblematic of certain traits of early modern Europeans, especially as those Europeans interacted with 'the Other' in Asia and the Americas.\ Originating in an...

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An astounding history of the accomplishments of the Society of Jesus, from painting and poetry to cartography and physics, from Europe to New France to China.

AcknowledgmentsContributorsIntroductionAbbreviations1The Historiography of the Society of Jesus: Where Does It Stand Today?32'Le style jesuite n'existe pas': Jesuit Corporate Culture and the Visual Arts383The Fertility and the Shortcomings of Renaissance Rhetoric: The Jesuit Case904The Cultural Field of Jesuit Science1075Two Farnese Cardinals and the Question of Jesuit Taste1346Jesuit Thesis Prints and the Festive Academic Defence at the Collegio Romano1487From 'The Eyes of All' to 'Usefull Quarries in philosophy and good literature': Consuming Jesuit Science, 1600-16651708Music History in the Musurgia universalis of Athanasius Kircher1909Mapping Jesuit Science: The Role of Travel in the Geography of Knowledge21210Jesuits, Jupiter's Satellites, and the Academie Royale des Sciences24111Exemplo aeque ut verbo: The French Jesuits' Missionary World25812East and West: Jesuit Art and Artists in Central Europe, and Central European Art in the Americas27413The Role of the Jesuits in the Transfer of Secular Baroque Culture to the Rio de la Plata Region30514Candide and a Boat31715Alessandro Valignano: The Jesuits and Culture in the East33616Jesuit Corporate Culture As Shaped by the Chinese35217Translation as Cultural Reform: Jesuit Scholastic Psychology in the Transformation of the Confucian Discourse on Human Nature36418The Truth-Showing Mirror: Jesuit Catechism and the Arts in Mughal India38019Roberto de Nobili's Dialogue on Eternal Life and an Early Jesuit Evaluation of Religion in South India40220The Jesuits and the Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines41821Bernini's Image of the Ideal Christian Monarch44222Innovation and Assimilation: The Jesuit Contribution to Architectural Development in Portuguese India48023God's Good Taste: The Jesuit Aesthetics of Juan Bautista Villalpando in the Sixth and Tenth Centuries B.C.E.50524Jesuit Aristotelian Education: The De anima Commentaries52225Jesuit Physics in Eighteenth-Century Germany: Some Important Continuities53826The Jesuits and Polish Sarmatianism55527The Art of Salvation in Bavaria56828Henry Hawkins: A Jesuit Writer and Emblematist in Stuart England60029Jesuit Casuistry or Jesuit Spirituality? The Roots of Seventeenth-Century British Puritan Practical Divinity62730The Use of Music by the Jesuits in the Conversion of the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil64131The Jesuits in Manila, 1581-1621: The Role of Music in Rite, Ritual, and Spectacle65932Jesuit Devotions and Retablos in New Spain680Reflections: What Have We Learned? Where Do We Go from Here?699Index717