The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL Teacher's Course

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Author: Marianne Celce-Murcia

ISBN-10: 0838447252

ISBN-13: 9780838447253

Category: Teaching - English Language

In this highly acclaimed revision, grammatical descriptions and teaching suggestions are organized into sections dealing with Form, Meaning, and Use. The Grammar Book, 2/e helps teachers and future teachers grasp the linguistic system and details of English grammar, providing more information on how structures are used at the discourse level.

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In this highly acclaimed revision, grammatical descriptions and teaching suggestions are organized into sections dealing with Form, Meaning, and Use. THE GRAMMAR BOOK, Second Edition helps teachers and future teachers grasp the linguistic system and details of English grammar, providing more information on how structures are used at the discourse level.

DedicationAcknowledgementsTo the Course InstructorPrefaceCh. 1Introduction1Ch. 2Grammatical Metalanguage13Ch. 3The Lexicon29Ch. 4The Copula and Subject-Verb Agreement53Ch. 5Introduction to Phrase Structure79Ch. 6More Phrase Structure Rules95Ch. 7The Tense and Aspect System109Ch. 8Modal Auxiliaries and Related Phrasal Forms137Ch. 9The Tense-Aspect-Modality System in Discourse161Ch. 10Negation183Ch. 11Yes/No Questions205Ch. 12Imperatives227Ch. 13Wh-Questions241Ch. 14Other Structures That Look Like Questions259Ch. 15Articles271Ch. 16Reference and Possession297Ch. 17Partitives, Collectives, and Quantifiers325Ch. 18The Passive Voice343Ch. 19Sentences with Indirect Objects361Ch. 20Adjectives381Ch. 21Prepositions401Ch. 22Phrasal Verbs425Ch. 23Nonreferential It and There as Subjects443Ch. 24Coordinating Conjunction461Ch. 25Adverbials491Ch. 26Logical Connectors519Ch. 27Conditional Sentences545Ch. 28Introduction to Relative Clauses571Ch. 29More on Relative Clauses591Ch. 30Focus and Emphasis611Ch. 31Complementation629Ch. 32Other Aspects of Complementation and Embedded Clauses663Ch. 33Reported Speech and Writing687Ch. 34Degree - Comparatives and Equatives717Ch. 35Degree - Complements and Superlatives739Ch. 36Conclusion757Appendix: Answers to Exercises761Index of Names830Index of Languages and Language Groups834Index of Words and Phrases835Index of Topics844