The Flowers of Evil

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Author: Charles Baudelaire

ISBN-10: 0979984777

ISBN-13: 9780979984778

Category: French poetry -> 19th century

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In the annals of literature, few single volumes of poetry have achieved the influence and notoriety of The Flowers of Evil (Les Fleurs du Mal) by CharlesBaudelaire.

Dedication3To the reader5Benediction9The albatross12Elevation13Correspondences14"I like to bring to mind ..."15Beacon lights16Sick muse18Mercenary muse19The bad monk20The enemy21Bad luck22The life before23Gypsy travelers24Man and sea25Don Juan in hell26Pride punished27Beauty28The ideal29Giantess30The mask31Hymn to beauty33Exotic perfume34Hair35"I adore you ..."37"You would take the whole universe ..."38Sed non satiata39"In her flowing pearly garments ..."40Dancing serpent41Carrion42De Profundis Clamavi44Vampire45"One night while I lay ..."46Posthumous remorse47The cat48Duel49The balcony50The possessed51A phantom52"I give you these verses ..."54Semper Eadem55Altogether56"What will you say this evening ..."57Living torch58Reversibility59Confession60Spiritual dawn62Evening's harmony63Flask64Poison65Sky in confusion66Cat67The fine-looking ship69Invitation to the voyage71The irreparable72Conversation74Autumn song75To a Madonna77Afternoon song79Sisina80Franciscae Meae Laudes81To a creole lady83Moesta et Errabunda84Revenant85Autumn sonnet86The sorrowing moon87Cats88Owls89The pipe90Music91Burial92A fantasy print93Dead man glad94The vessel of hate95The cracked bell96Spleen97Spleen98Spleen99Spleen100Obsession101The taste for nothing102Alchemy of pain103Sympathetic horror104Heautontimoroumenos105Beyond remedy106The clock108Landscape111The sun112To a redheaded beggar girl113The swan115The seven old men117The little old women119The blind122To a woman passing by123The skeleton laborer124Evening twilight125Gambling126Danse macabre127Love of a lie129"I have not forgotten ..."130"The big-hearted servant ..."131Fog, rain132Paris dream133Morning twilight135The soul of the wine139The ragpicker's wine140The assassin's wine142The wine of the solitary144The wine of lovers145Destruction149A martyr150Women damned152The two good sisters153The fountain of blood154Allegory155His Beatrice156A voyage to Cythera157Love and the skull159Saint Peter's denial163Abel and Cain165Litanies of satan167The death of lovers173Death of the poor174The death of artists175End of day176Dream of a curious character177The voyage178Lesbos185Women damned188Lethe191To her, too merry192The jewels193Metamorphoses of the vampire194