The Female Complaint: The Unfinished Business of Sentimentality in American Culture

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Author: Lauren Berlant

ISBN-10: 0822341840

ISBN-13: 9780822341840

Category: General & Miscellaneous Literary Criticism

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Considers the development of sentimental "women's culture" in the U.S.—from Uncle Tom's Cabin to 1950s melodrama to contemporary chick lit—and the forms of politics and national belonging that emerge out of it.

Contents Preface....................viiIntroduction: Intimacy, Publicity, and Femininity....................11. Poor Eliza....................332. Pax Americana: The Case of Show Boat....................693. National Brands, National Body: Imitation of Life....................1074. Uncle Sam Needs a Wife: Citizenship and Denegation....................1455. Remembering Love, Forgetting Everything Else: Now, Voyager....................1696. "It's Not the Tragedies That Kill Us, It's the Messes": Femininity, Formalism, and Dorothy Parker....................2077. The Compulsion to Repeat Femininity: Landscape for a Good Woman and The Life and Loves of a She-Devil....................233Overture/Aperture: Showboat 1988-The Remake....................265Notes....................281Bibliography....................319Index....................347