The Essential Brigham Young, Vol. 3

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Author: Eugene E. Campbell

ISBN-10: 1560850108

ISBN-13: 9781560850106

Category: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - Day Saints -> Doctrines

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After converting to Mormonism in 1832, Brigham Young (1801-77) quickly rose to prominence and three years later was called to the Quorum of Twelve Apostles. He personally directed the highly successful 1839 proselyting mission to Great Britain and was appointed president of the Twelve the following year. In 1846-47 he oversaw the epic colonization of the intermountain west. Self-educated and preoccupied with the pressing business of his widespread empire, Young rarely found time to read. But he delivered hundreds of lively extemporaneous sermons blending common sense with theological speculation. His homespun treatises carried an immediacy absent from the philosophically oriented studies of his colleague Orson Pratt. At the same time, Young's speeches could be unfocused and contradictory. Several of his more controversial teachings--Adam-as-God, divine omniscience, and blood atonement--have sparked considerable debate since they were first uttered more than one hundred years ago. "Will you love your brothers and sisters likewise," he once asked, "when they have committed a sin that cannot be atoned for without the shedding of their blood? Will you love that man or woman well enough to shed their blood?"

Publisher's PrefaceForeword1"Election and Reprobation"12"The Remarks of President Young in Behalf of the Claim of the Twelve to Lead the Church in the Absence of the First Presidency"113"Speech Delivered by President B. Young, in the City of Joseph"184"I Remarked Last Sunday that I had not Felt Much Like Preaching to the Brethren"265"With Joy and Gratitude to My Heavenly Father, I Look Upon this Congregation with Admiration"316"The Gospel of Salvation--A Vision--Redemption of the Earth and All that Pertains to It"377"True and False Riches"588"When I Contemplate the Subject of Salvation"749"I Propose to Speak Upon a Subject that does not Immediately Concern Yours or My Welfare"8610"To Know God is Eternal Life--God the Father of Our Spirits and Bodies--Things Created Spiritually First--Atonement by the Shedding of Blood"10411A Series of Instructions and Remarks by President Brigham Young11112"Intelligence, Etc."12213"I Take the Liberty of Preaching to the People, Wishing to do so for the Benefit of the Saints"13414"True Character of God--Erroneous Ideas Entertained Towards Him"14315"The Kingdom of God"14816"For Many Years I have Sought to Instruct My Fellow Beings in the Ways of Life and Salvation"16017"Personality of God--His Attributes--Eternal Life, Etc."16818"I have a Few Times in My Life Undertaken to Preach to a Traveling Congregation, but My Sermons have been Very Short, and Far Between"17919"We Talk a Great Deal about Our Improvements and Increase in Knowledge"19320"The Source of Intelligence, Etc."20221"I Hope the Brethren and Sisters will Remember What has been Said"21322The Resurrection21823"Philosophy of Man upon the Earth--The Great and Grand Secret of Salvation--Are We One--Nature of Stewardship--Increase of Temples--Hear Ye, Mothers"22224"When I have asked My Counsellors or Any of the Brethren of the Twelve"23025"The Wilderness was Kinder to Us than Man"239Index243