The Dreyfus Affair

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Author: Martin Phillip Johnson

ISBN-10: 0312221592

ISBN-13: 9780312221591

Category: Historical Biography - Europe

The Dreyfus Affair, or simply L'Affaire, was the defining event in French life between the disasters of the Franco-Prussian War and the First World War. After decades of prosperity and growth following the Prussian invasion, the destruction of the Paris Commune and the seemingly successful creation of the Third Republic, the Affair cruelly exposed the bitter divisions within French society. The French army was torn apart, ministers were forced to resign, new political groupings were created,...

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This short work fills the need for a comprehensible, concise book which focuses on the scale and complexity of the Dreyfus Affair. Teaching History Johnson has written a book that incorporates the best of Affair scholarship,developing thoughtful analyses of the individuals and the large issues...

ChronologyviiPrefaceix1In Search of a Traitor (1894)12A Trial, an Exile (1894-1895)183The Petit Bleu (1896-1897)394A Successful Collusion (Autumn 1897)665The Grand Affaire (1898)876In the Balance (1898-1899)1107Rennes and Rehabilitation (1899-1906)129Conclusion150Notes159Guide for Further Reading165Index167

\ From the Publisher\ Johnson has written a book that incorporates the best of Affair scholarship, developing thoughtful analyses of the individuals and the large issues... Teaching History \ \ \ \ \ \ Teaching HistoryJohnson has written a book that incorporates the best of Affair scholarship,developing thoughtful analyses of the individuals and the large issues...\ \ \ BooknewsThe Dreyfus Affair of 1894 is viewed as the defining event in French life between the Franco-Prussian War and World War I. In an account with as many plot twists as a spy thrillerwhich it is, Johnson (history, Northern Illinois U.) discloses how the trial of a French army officer for treason exposed the anti-Semitism and societal fractures in the seemingly successful French Third Republic, and led to political repercussions reflected in the Vichy regime and even today. Includes a chronology of