The Customer Signs Your Paycheck

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Author: Frank Cooper

ISBN-10: 0071632883

ISBN-13: 9780071632881

Category: Customer Service

Positive Service Gets Positive Results—\ Every Time!\ Customer loyalty is becoming harder to establish and just as difficult to\ maintain. This is truer than ever in today’s hyperdigital world, where a single\ customer venting his or her dissatisfaction on a blog or social network can\ amass an army of anti-you activists—and send your business spiraling.\ The Customer Signs Your Paycheck reveals the secret to ensuring customer\ contentment during every interaction. Inside, Frank Cooper...

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Positive Service Gets Positive Results—Every Time!Customer loyalty is becoming harder to establish and just as difficult tomaintain. This is truer than ever in today’s hyperdigital world, where a singlecustomer venting his or her dissatisfaction on a blog or social network canamass an army of anti-you activists—and send your business spiraling.The Customer Signs Your Paycheck reveals the secret to ensuring customercontentment during every interaction. Inside, Frank Cooper examines theelements at the heart of quality customer service, which begin with selfawarenessand confidence. You’ll learn: The 10 commandments for customer relations Eight habits to help you get ahead The easiest way to handle customer complaints A simple method for remembering namesYou’ll immediately take note of dramatic changes in the way you deal withdifficult personalities, customer complaints, and other challenges that comewith the territory.Why drive customers to the competition? It really is easy to provide superbservice, even when dealing with today’s highly empowered and demandingcustomer.

Section 1: You and Your Company• Poise and Confidence in Customer Relations• You are a Customer, Too!• Attitudes that Help You Get AheadSection 2: Customer Relations: 10 Commandments• The Customer is Never an Interruption• Greet Every Customer with a Friendly Smile• Call Customers by Name• Remember, You Are the Company• Never Argue with a Customer• Never Say, “I Don’t Know”• The Customer Pays Your Wages• State Things in a Positive Way• Brighten Every Customer’s Day• Always Go the Extra MileSection 3: How to Win & Keep More Customers• The Customer Service Scale• How to Handle Customer Complaints• Customer Pet Peeves, and How to Avoid Them• Customer Relations on the TelephoneSection 4: Customer Relations is Human Relations• Understanding Human Nature• Four Customer Personality Types• Three Roles Customers Play• How Customers View ThemselvesSection 5: Basic Selling Skills• Selling Makes the Job More Fun!• The ABC’s of Successful Selling• Upselling and Cross-Selling• Ten Commandments for Successful SellingSection 6: Key Concept ReviewFrank Cooper Frank Cooper is the author of How to Grow a Profitable Business and has beenrunning his own speaking and consulting business for more than 35 years. Heresides in Washington State.