The Constitution of Public Philosophy: Toward a Synthesis of Freedom and Responsibility in Postmodern America

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Author: E. Robert Statham Jr.

ISBN-10: 0761811109

ISBN-13: 9780761811107

Category: United States History - 18th Century - General & Miscellaneous

America, and the postmodern West in particular, are experiencing a moral and intellectual crisis, according to E. Robert Statham, Jr. In The Constitution of Public Philosophy, Statham argues that Walter Lippman was correct in locating this crisis in the impoverished nature of public philosophy, and he attempts to constitute a role for reason in contemporary America. Statham suggests that the negative rule of law via a written constitution requires the positive rule of reason, or political...

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America, and the postmodern West in particular, are experiencing a moral and intellectual crisis, according to E. Robert Statham, Jr. In The Constitution of Public Philosophy, Statham argues that Walter Lippman was correct in locating this crisis in the impoverished nature of public philosophy, and he attempts to constitute a role for reason in contemporary America. Statham suggests that the negative rule of law via a written constitution requires the positive rule of reason, or political philosophy, in order to flourish.

PrefaceCh. 1Introduction: The Crisis of Public Philosophy1Ch. 2The Constitution of the Rule of Law: Justice as the Negation of Tyranny and the Preservation of Liberty11Ch. 3The Crisis of Constitutionalism: Confronting the Intellectual and Moral Malaise of Liberty Absent Responsibility25Ch. 4The 'Self-Refuting' American Science of Politics: Pragmatism, Democratic Pluralism, and the Depreciation of Public PhilosophyCh. 5Public Philosophy and the Indirect Rule of Philosopher Kings63Ch. 6Constituting a Tradition of Reason Upon the Transcendental Standard of Nature83Ch. 7Public Philosophy and Citizenship107Ch. 8Public Philosophy and Public policy123Ch. 9Conclusion: The Constitution of Public Philosophy139Notes155Index181About the Author183