The Constitution of Electoral Speech Law: The U.S. Supreme Court and Freedom of Expression in Campaigns and Elections

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Author: Brian K. Pinaire

ISBN-10: 0804757240

ISBN-13: 9780804757249

Category: Civil Liberties

Bush v. Gore brought to the public's attention the significance of election law and the United States Supreme Court's role in structuring the rules that govern how campaigns and elections function in America. In this book, Brian K. Pinaire examines one expanding domain within this larger legal context: freedom of speech in the political process, or, what he terms, electoral speech law.\ Specifically, Pinaire examines the Court's evolving conceptions of free speech in the electoral process and...

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This book examines how the United States Supreme Court understands freedom of speech during political campaigns and elections. To address this question, the author considers both the nature of the Court’s evaluation (or vision) of political speech in this context and the process by which this understanding is formulated, with a focus on four recent and representative cases.

List of Tables and Figures     xiPreface     xiiiAcknowledgments     xvIntroduction: The Constitution of Electoral Speech Law     1Constitutional ElementsConstituent Concepts     21Conceptual Confluence     39Rhetorical Modes     75Cognitive Contours     92Constitutional EpisodesBurson v. Freeman     127McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission     151Buckley v. American Constitutional Law Foundation, Inc.     176Nixon v. Shrink Missouri Government PAC     201Conclusion: A Constitution We Are Expounding     225Interview Methods and Protocol     245Notes     247Index     331