The Concept of Contraction in Giordano Bruno's Philosophy

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Author: Leo Catana

ISBN-10: 0754652610

ISBN-13: 9780754652618

Category: Renaissance & Modern Philosophy

In addition to explaining the concept of contractio in Bruno's (1548-1600) philosophy, Catana (U. of Copenhagen) also traces its sources. He argues that Bruno used ontological and noetic interpretations of contraction in an attempt to explain the relationship of God to his Creation in a way that conformed to his pantheism. Because for him noetic ascent was a reversed descent, he believed that the metaphysical structure defined through contraction determined the means by which the human soul...

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Pt. 1Bruno's concept of contraction1Methods facilitating noetic ascent2Contraction as an ontological concept3Contraction and noesis4Contraction and memoryPt. 2Sources of Bruno's concept of contraction5Physiologically induced contraction6The scholastic tradition of contraction7Cusanus and the scholastic tradition of contraction