The Company of Camelot: Arthurian Characters in Romance and Fantasy, Vol. 61

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Author: Charlott Spivack

ISBN-10: 0313279810

ISBN-13: 9780313279812

Category: Ancient & Medieval Literature

This book deals with the eight major figures in the Arthurian legends and how they have been individually represented in literature from its beginnings up to the present day. The characters discussed are: Arthur the king, his queen Guenevere, his wizard Merlin, his half-sister Morgan le Fay, his faithful seneschal Sir Kay, his warrior nephew Gawain, his knight and rival Lancelot, and his incestuous son and nemesis Mordred. These characters are first identified in terms of their medieval...

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This book is the only detailed study of eight major characters in the Arthurian tradition as they are represented in both medieval and modern literature.

Preface1Introduction12Merlin: The Archetypal Wizard93Morgan le Fay: Goddess or Witch?314Sir Kay: Seneschal or Trickster?475Gawain: Arthur's Hawk of May596The Fortunes of Guenevere: Once and Future Queen777The Metamorphosis of Lancelot958Mordred: Arthur's Shadow1139Arthur of Britain: "The Man within the King"129Selected Bibliography145Index151