The Brief New Century Handbook

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Author: Christine A. Hult

ISBN-10: 0321456386

ISBN-13: 9780321456380

Category: English Grammar

The Brief New Century Handbook with Exercises, Fourth Edition, provides the answers today’s students need as writers and researchers in an electronic age. While offering clear, comprehensive coverage of handbook basics—writing, grammar and usage, research, and documentation—this handbook also shows students how to use new technologies to make appropriate rhetorical choices and to become more successful college writers in all of their courses. This new version offers exercises at the end of...

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Assuming that all students will use computers to write and the Internet for research, this handbook covers all the tools students will need to complete any writing assignment. The tools range from instructions on thinking, reading and viewing critically, and print and web design to rules of grammar, syntax and spelling. This third edition adds new material on evaluating images and visual messages as well as new chapters on disciplinary discourse and writing in the natural and social sciences. Included with the handbook are an interactive CD-ROM and a companion website. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

PART 1. WRITING1. Thinking, Reading, and Viewing Criticallya. Think criticallyb. Read actively and criticallyc. View actively and critically2. Preparinga. Experiment and exploreb. Invent and prewrite.c. Gather information while avoiding plagiarismd. Plan and organize3. Composinga. Review your electronic journalb. Draft on a computerc. Collaborated. Be flexible about your writing process4. Rewritinga. Shift from writer to readerb. Revisec. Editd. Proofreade. Give and receive feedback electronicallyf. STUDENT SAMPLE: Final paper.5. Structuring Paragraphsa. Unified paragraphsb. Organizational patternsc. Sentence-linking techniquesd. Verb tense, person, and numbere. Parallelism and coherencef. Appropriate paragraph lengthg. Link paragraphs with key wordsh. Effective introductions and conclusions6. Constructing and Evaluating Argumentsa. Arguable thesisb. Supporting evidenceSTUDENT SAMPLE: Annotated argument paperc. Understand alternative views.d. Test your main pointse. Build a compelling casef. Structure your argumentg. Avoid fallaciesh. Electronic argumenti. Visual argumentPART 2. RESEARCH7. The Research Projecta. Become a researcherb. Make a Schedulec. Research notebookd. Working bibliographye. Background informationf. Focused research8. Using the Internet for Researcha. Use Internet sourcesb. Know the Internet and Webc. Search the Internet and Webd. STUDENT SAMPLE: Database searchese. STUDENT SAMPLE: Internet searches9. Evaluating Electronic and Print Sourcesa. Legitimate sourcesb. STUDENT SAMPLE: Web links evaluation10. Using Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism.a. Use sources responsibly.b. Avoid plagiarism in using sourcesSTUDENT SAMPLE: Inadvertent plagiarismc. Paraphrase accurately.d. Avoid plagiarism in paraphrasingSTUDENT SAMPLE: Intentional plagiarisme. Summarize brieflyf. Avoid plagiarism in summarizingg. Quote sparinglyh. Avoid plagiarism in quoting11. Writing the Research Papera. Rhetorical stance and thesisb. Plan your structurec. Write a draftd. Review and revise your drafte. Follow formatting conventionsPART 3. MLA DOCUMENTATION12. MLA Documentation A DIRECTORY TO MLA STYLEa. Integrate sources and avoid plagiarismb. In-text citationsc. Bibliographic footnotes and endnotesd. Works Cited Pagee. STUDENT SAMPLE: Annotated research paper in MLA formatPART 4. APA, CMS, AND CSE DOCUMENTATION13. APA, CMS, and CSE DocumentationAPA Systema. Integrate sources and avoid plagiarismb. In-text citationsc. Content notesd. References Pagee. STUDENT SAMPLE: Annotated research report in APA formatCMS Systemf. Integrate sources and avoid plagiarismg. In-text citationsh. Notesi. Bibliography entriesCSE Systemj. Integrate sources and avoid plagiarismk. In-text citationsl. References listPART 5. DESIGN IN PRINT AND ON THE WEB14. Design Principles and Graphicsa. Three design principlesb. Formatting toolsc. Graphicsd. Review your document15. Designing Web Documentsa. Basic designb. Planningc. WritingPART 6. WRITING FOR DIFFERENT PURPOSES16. Electronic Communicationsa. The rhetoric of etoolsb. Emailc. Online networksd. Instant communication (IMs, TMs)e. Web course tools17. Writing in the Disciplinesa. Disciplinary researchb. Disciplinary discourse18. Writing about Literaturea. Read literature criticallyb. Purpose, persona, and audiencec. Claim and thesisd. Appropriate person and tensee. Write your literature paperSTUDENT SAMPLE (MLA): Literary interpretation19. Writing in the Natural and Social Sciencesa. Types of writingb. Purpose and audiencec. STUDENT SAMPLES (APA and CSE): Research reports20. Business Writing a. Business lettersSTUDENT SAMPLE: Business letterb. Letters of applicationSTUDENT SAMPLE: Letters of applicationc. RésumésSTUDENT SAMPLE: Résuméd. MemosSTUDENT SAMPLE: Memo21. Oral Presentations a. Preparingb. Select visual aidsc. Practice, practice, practiced. Speak with enthusiasm and focuse. Design overhead transparenciesc. Use PowerPointTM22. Essay Exams and Portfoliosa. Preparingb. The essay writing processc. STUDENT SAMPLES: Essay exam responsesd. Prepare a writing portfolioPART 7. CORRECT SENTENCES23. Sentence Structurea. Parts of speechb. Basic sentence patternsc. Expanding sentencesd. Classifying sentences24. Pronoun Problemsa. Number and gender agreementb. Noun antecedentsc. This, that, which, and itd. That and whiche. Subjective casef. Objective caseg. Compound constructionsh. Interrogative pronouns & relative pronounsi. Possessive pronounsj. Comparisons25. Verbsa. Regular verb formsb. Common irregular verb formsc. Auxiliary verbsd. Tensese. Sequence of tensesf. Transitive and intransitive verbsg. Active and passive voiceh. Mood26. Subject-Verb Agreementa. Plural and singular subjects and verbsb. Compound subjectsc. Disjunctive subjectsd. Indefinite pronounse. Collective nounsf. Plural form but singular meaningg. Linking verbsh. With there or here 27. Adjectives and Adverbsa. Adjectivesb. Overuse of nouns as modifiers.c. Adverbs .d. Commonly confused adjectives and adverbse. Comparative and superlative formsPART 8. COMMON GRAMMAR PROBLEMS28. Sentence Fragmentsa. Grammatically complete sentencesb. Connect dependent clausesc. Connect phrasesd. Sentence fragments for special effect29. Comma Splices and Run-On Sentencesa. Creating a subordinate clauseb. Separating clauses (comma, conjunction)c. Separating clauses (semicolon)d. Separating clauses (period)30. Misplaced and Dangling Modifiersa. Positioning modifiersb. Avoid ambiguityc. Lengthy modifiersd. Disruptive modifierse. Dangling modifiers31. Faulty Shiftsa. Focusb. Verb tense and moodc. Toned. Mixed constructionse. Subjects and predicatesf. Direct and indirect discoursePART 9. EFFECTIVE SENTENCES AND WORDS32. Clarity and Concisenessa. Lengthb. Repetition and redundancyc. Expletivesd. Passive voicee. Wordinessf. Noun-heavy styleg. Express meaning preciselyh. That to clarify sentence structurei. Comparisons33. Coordination and Subordinationa. Combine closely related sentencesb. Coordinate related sentencesc. Subordinate less important ideas34. Parallelisma. Parallel content in parallel formb. Lists and seriesc. With correlative conjunctionsd. Comparisons or contrastse. Complete, clear parallel constructions35. Varietya. Length.b. Structurec. Repetition36. Choosing the Right Wordsa. Denotationb. Connotationc. Level of formalityd. Jargon, slang, or dialecte. Pretentiousnessf. Figurative language37. Language and Powera. "Correctness"b. Language and identityc. Genderd. Race and ethnicitye. Age and other differences38. Using a Thesaurus and DictionaryPART 10. PUNCTUATION39. End PunctuationTHE PERIODTHE QUESTION MARKTHE EXCLAMATION POINT40. The Comma41. The Semicolon42. The Colon43. The Apostrophe44. Quotation Marks45. Other Punctuation MarksPARENTHESESDASHESBRACKETSELLIPSESSLASHESPART 11. MECHANICS AND SPELLING46. Capital Letters and ItalicsCAPITAL LETTERSITALICS47. Abbreviations and Numbers.ABBREVIATIONSNUMBERS48. The Hyphen49. SpellingPART 12. ESL ISSUES50. Tips on Nouns and Articles51. Tips on VerbsPHRASAL VERBSVERB COMPLEMENTSVERBS OF STATEMODAL AUXILIARY VERBSCONDITIONAL SENTENCES52. Tips on Word Order53. Tips on VocabularyGlossary of UsageCross-Curricular Resource AtlasIndex