The Breakdown of the State in Lebanon, 1967-1976

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Author: Farid el Khazen

ISBN-10: 0674081056

ISBN-13: 9780674081055

Category: General & Miscellaneous Religion

Straddling the boundaries of politics and history, this discerning book allows the reader to dig through the rubble of Lebanon's wars and learn exactly what has befallen it. With its remarkable open society, its plural political system, its well-educated and sophisticated peoples, and its tolerant confessional outlook, Lebanon is only now recovering the independence it once had, albeit in the face of Syria. In view of recent Lebanese history, can an open and democratic state be recaptured by...

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\ \ \ List of Tables\ \ \ \ \ Preface\ \ \ \ \ Acknowledgements\ \ \ \ Pt. I\ Introduction\ 1\ \ \ 1\ Situating the Breakdown\ 3\ \ \ 2\ The Shortcomings of the Lebanese System in the Pre-War Period: The Academic Debate\ 13\ \ \ Pt. II\ The Political and Communal Scene in Pre-War Lebanon\ 29\ \ \ 3\ The Uneven Communal Development of Lebanese Society\ 31\ \ \ 4\ Varying Paths to Communal Za'ama: Maronite and Sunni\ 50\ \ \ 5\ Communal Disparities and State Policies\ 57\ \ \ 6\ The Age of Ideology and Mass Politics\ 73\ \ \ Pt. III\ The Lebanese State and the Arab State System\ 87\ \ \ 7\ State-Society Relations: Situating the Lebanese State\ 89\ \ \ 8\ The Lebanese State and the Arab State System; Varying Paths to Power\ 99\ \ \ 9\ The Porous Lebanese State and the Arab State System\ 110\ \ \ 10\ PLO Defiance of State Authority: Jordan Versus Lebanon\ 123\ \ \ Pt. IV\ The Post-1967 PLO and Lebanese Politics\ 129\ \ \ 11\ Palestinian Presence in Lebanon until 1968\ 131\ \ \ 12\ The Making of the Cairo Agreement\ 140\ \ \ 13\ The Limits to State Power: Chehabism and the PLO\ 176\ \ \ Pt. V\ The Political Process: Internal and External Dimensions, 1970-1974\ 185\ \ \ 14\ The Years of Uncertainty, 1970-72\ 187\ \ \ 15\ The Year of Living Dangerously, 1973\ 203\ \ \ 16\ The Aftershocks of the 1973 War and Lebanese Politics, 1974\ 218\ \ \ Pt. VI\ The Pre-War Scene\ 235\ \ \ 17\ The Internal Scene Prior to the Outbreak of War\ 237\ \ \ 18\ Power-Sharing: From Independence to the War\ 241\ \ \ 19\ Socio-Economic Factors and the War\ 250\ \ \ 20\ The Sidon Disturbances: Fishermen's Protest or a Palestinian Show of Force?\ 267\ \ \ Pt. VII\ Lebanon's Multifaceted War: 1975-76\ 283\ \ \ 21\ The 'Ayn al-Rummaneh Confrontation: The Inevitable Trigger\ 285\ \ \ 22\ The Breakdown of the Confessional Political Process\ 293\ \ \ 23\ Anarchy, Wartime Reform and Dialogue\ 306\ \ \ 24\ The Changing War: The Constitutional Document and its Aftermath\ 323\ \ \ 25\ The Palestinian-Syrian War\ 339\ \ \ 26\ Ending the War\ 352\ \ \ Pt. VIII\ The Inevitable Breakdown\ 359\ \ \ 27\ The PLO Armed Presence and its Impact on Lebanese Politics and Society\ 361\ \ \ 28\ Conflicting Images of the State and its Structural Dichotomy\ 379\ \ \ 29\ The Inevitable Confrontation: A State in Search of Stability, A Revolution in Search of a State\ 385\ \ \ 30\ War Continues: The Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Arab 'Civil War'\ 394\ \ \ \ Bibliography\ 399\ \ \ \ Index\ 418\ \

\ Jerusalem PostIn a massively researched, factually reliable, and politically centrist interpretation...[el Khazen] provides what will surely become the authoritative account of Lebanon's slide to war. As the title implies, el Khazen sees the weakening of the Lebanese government as the central development in the period following the 1967 Six-Day War...He is scathing on the press coverage of the PLO's role in the conflict--and also that of Western scholars--for their willingness 'to accept the Palestinian version of the story.'\ — Daniel Pipes\ \