The Bible Answer Book

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Author: Hank Hanegraaff

ISBN-10: 0849995442

ISBN-13: 9780849995446

Category: Bible -> Reference -> General

Hank Hanegraaff has heard it all. He knows what questions plague believers and nonbelievers. And he's done something about it--he's spelled out the answers. The Bible Answer Book is a simple guide covering 80 of the top questions that the Bible Answer Man has dealt with in his ministry. Topics include parents and kids, religions, difficulty, faith, fear, sin, salvation, and many more issues vital to understanding the path to better understanding God. Each question is approached in...

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Hank Hanegraaff has heard it all. He knows what questions plague believers and nonbelievers. And he's done something about it--he's spelled out the answers. The Bible Answer Book is a simple guide covering 80 of the top questions that the Bible Answer Man has dealt with in his ministry. Topics include parents and kids, religions, difficulty, faith, fear, sin, salvation, and many more issues vital to understanding the path to better understanding God. Each question is approached in Hanegraaff's scholarly, easy-to-understand style, and he even suggests additional sources for readers who want to explore the topics further.

1What must I do to be saved?122What are the secrets to spiritual growth?163What is sin?184How can I be certain that I've not committed the unforgivable sin?225Can a Christian lose their salvation?266What is the biblical definition of faith?297What does it mean to say that the Holy Spirit is in you?318How were people who lived before the time of Christ saved?349Can a person be argued into the kingdom of God?3710How do I find a good church?3911Why pray if God already knows what we need?4712What are some secrets to effective prayer?4913Why pray 'Your will be done'?5414Why do people end their prayers with 'Amen'?5815Does Isaiah 53:5 guarantee our healing today?6216Must I forgive those who refuse forgiveness?6517Why do Christians worship on Sunday rather than on the Sabbath day?7018Is the tithe for today?7419What is the biblical view of wealth?7920Is being 'slain in the spirit' consistent with a biblical worldview?8221Should Christians celebrate Christmas?8622How should Christians respond to Halloween?8923Is the 'binding and loosing' of demons biblical?9224Can Christians be demonized?9525Does Satan have access to our minds?9726Is Satan always the cause of sickness?10227Did demons have sexual relations with women in Genesis 6:4?10628Is it ever morally permissible to lie?10929What is abortion?11230Can human cloning be harmonized with a Christian worldview?11531Is capital punishment biblical?11732Does the Bible promote slavery?12033Does homosexuality demonstrate that the Bible is antiquated and irrelevant?12334Is cremation consistent with the Christian worldview?13035How old will we be in heaven?13336Will there be animals in heaven?13537Will there be sex in heaven?13738If heaven is perfect, won't it be perfectly boring?14139Can chance account for the universe?14540How many explanations are there for the existence of our universe?14841Who made God?15042What is Truth?15243What distinguishes Christianity from other religions?15444How do we know that the Bible is divine rather than human in origin?15745Don't all religions lead to God?16046What happens to a person who has never heard of Jesus?16347Is there evidence for life after death?16548Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?17049If Christianity is true, why are so many atrocities committed in the name of Christ?17250Can God create a rock so heavy that he cannot move it?17651What does it mean to say that God is omnipresent?17852Is the Trinity biblical?18053Does the Bible claim Jesus is God?18354Did Jesus claim to be God?18555What credentials back up Jesus' claim to deity?18856How can we be sure about the resurrection of Christ?19257Do the gospel accounts contradict one another?19758What does it mean to say that Jesus ascended into heaven?20159Was Christianity influenced by ancient pagan mystery religions?20360Is the virgin birth miracle or myth?20661Why should I believe in hell?21162Is annihilationism biblical?21663What about Purgatory?21964Is the Allah of Islam the God of the Bible?22165Is the Qur'an credible?22466What is a cult?23167Are there apostles and prophets today?23568Are Jehovah's Witnesses Christian?23869Is the New World Translation of the Bible credible?24270Is Mormonism Christian?24671Is the Book of Mormon credible?25072What sets Christianity apart from an Eastern worldview?25473Can reincarnation and resurrection be reconciled?25674What is the New Age movement?26075What is wrong with astrology?26276Can we be certain that evolution is a myth?26677Is Archaeopteryx the missing link between dinosaurs and birds?26978Is evolutionism racist?27279What about theistic evolution?27680Did Darwin have a deathbed conversion?27981How can a person find more Bible answers?282Acknowledgements290Additional Resources292