The Art Of Cookery In The Middle Ages

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Author: Terence Scully

ISBN-10: 0851154301

ISBN-13: 9780851154305

Category: English Literature

The master cook who worked in the noble kitchens of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries had to be both practical and knowledgeable. His apprenticeship acquainted him with a range of culinary skills and a wide repertoire of seasonal dishes, but he was also required to understand the inherent qualities of the foodstuffs he handled, as determined by contemporary medical theories, and to know the lean-day strictures of the Church. Research in original manuscript sources makes this a...

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The medieval kitchen revealed; facilities, seasonal foods, strictures of the church, and the interweaving of foodstuffs with medical theory.

1Introduction12Similarities in Medieval Foods and Cooking283The Theoretical Bases for Medieval Food and Cookery404The Distinctive Nature of Medieval Foods and Cookery665Medieval Dining1016Beverages1377The Hall, Table and Manners1668Foods for the Sick1859International Foods and Regional Favourites19610Conclusion: The Cook, the Cookery and the Food236Bibliography257Late-medieval culinary recipe collections257Late-medieval medical and scientific works referring to food preparation260Modern adaptations of Medieval recipes263Index265