The American West: Where Is the West?, Vol. 1

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Author: Gordon Bakken

ISBN-10: 0815334567

ISBN-13: 9780815334569

Category: United States History - Western, Plains & Rocky Mountain Region

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Series DedicationSeries IntroductionVolume DedicationVolume IntroductionWhere is the American West?2Disorientation and Reorientation: The American Landscape Discovered from the West25From Frontier to Region: Frederick Jackson Turner and the New Western History55Lessons in Conquest: Towards a Greater Western History79Writing, Teaching, and Recreating Western History through Intersections and Viewpoints103The American West: From Frontier to Region123The Rocky Mountain West: Fragile Space, Diverse Place140The View from Philadelphia152Nothing New Under the Sun: Continuities in the West163Honey, I Shrunk the West171Beyond the last Frontier: Toward a New Approach to Western American History183Overlanders and the Snake River Region: A Case Study of Popular Landscape Perception in the Early West202European Images of America210New West, True West: Interpreting the Region's History225Acknowledgments241