Television and Youth Culture: Televised Paranoia

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Author: Jan Jagodzinski

ISBN-10: 1403978085

ISBN-13: 9781403978080

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

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This book theorizes five youth television series: Dawson’s Creek, Freaks and Geeks, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Roswell, and Smallville from a psychoanalytic perspective drawing on the meeting ground between Jacques Lacan, Gilles Deleuze, and Felix Guattari. jagodzinski develops the notion of self-refleXivity (as distinct from self-reflection and self reflexion) to identify that aspect of the inhuman within ourselves, namely the order of the drives that these series explore. It is argued that the narratology of the post-Gothic form of Buffy, Roswell, and Smallville is the structure of paranoid schizophrenia. A hyper-self-reflexivity informs Dawson’s Creek, while Freaks and Greeks deals with ethical dilemmas.

Introduction: Youth Living in Paranoiac Times 1The Paranoia of the Posthuman 2Between Post-Oedipus & Anti-Oedipus 7Part I Theoretical Considerations 151 Madness and Paranoia 17The Vicissitudes of the Schreber Case 17Post-Oedipal Concerns 18Post 9/11 Paranoia 20Televised Simulacra 24The Power of the Simulacrum 262 From Self-Reflexion to Self-RefleXion: Acknowledging the Inhuman 29From Self-Reflection to Self-Reflexion 31Self-Reflexive Irony 35Paranoia within Risk Societies 36Self-RefleXion: In between Nature and Culture 39X as the Meeting Place between Lacan and Deleuze 42Part II Self-RefleXive Narcissism and Alienation 473 Dawson's Creek's Reflexivity: Savvy Poststructuralism 49Prelude: Horrific Screams of Teen's Hidden Angst 49Scream and Scream Again: The Pleasures of Self-Referentiality 50The Final Girl's Scream 55Post-Oedipal Screams 574 Dawson's Creek: The Postlude 61There Ain't No Rap but Capeside Pap 64Young Love, Pure "Confluent" Love? 65Confluent Fag-Hag Love 67Ironic Self-Reflexivity-The Final Episode's Joke on Us 705 Freaks and Geeks: "I Don't Give a Damn 'Bout a Bad Reputation" 75Hegemonic Masculinity 80Resistance, Rebellion, or Deviance? 81F&G's Music Scene 86The Power of Refrain 886 And the [Geeks] Freaks Will Inherit the Earth 91The Limits of Post-Subcultural Studies 91Questioning Hegemony 92Lacan-Deleuze on Multiplicity 95Laughing with Daniel in the Lion's Den 97Sam: Be Careful What You Desire 100Deleuzian Ethics: Good Girl Becoming-Freak 102Lindsay's Ethical Turn 104A Diagram of the Good Girl's Escape 107Part IIIReal Paranoia 1117 The Death Drive's at Stake: Buffy: The Vampire Slayer 113The Usual (Objectionable) Suspects 114The Heroine with a Call 116Opening Up a Porthole: Scratching the Tain of the Mirror 117Paranoid Psychosis: Suspending the Name-of-the-Father 120Psychotic-like Language as Ethical Slayage 123The Matrix of Players: The ONE=THREE of Buffy's Postfeminism 126The Boyz/Bois/Boys and Gurls/Girls/Grrrls in Buffy 1288 The Buffyverse Soteriology: Youth's Garden of Earthly Delights 133The Doubled Road of Ethics 137An Ethical Act Proper 142Postscript 1459/11 Addendum: Has the "Future of an Illusion" Collapsed? 145Part IV Televised Paranoiac Spaces 1519 Aliens "R" Us: Searching for the Posthuman Teenager 153Raising Sleeping Beauty from the Dead 154Paranoiac Split 155Facing the Alien to the Side 157Alien Love 158Post-Oedipal Flips 161Alien-Angels 162Abductions 163Queering Kinship 164The Roswell Beat 165The Alliance as War Machine 166Posthumanist Line of Flight 16610 Smallville, Somebody Save Me! Bringing Superman Down to Earth 169Marvel-ing Superman 169Into the Vortex of the Tornado 175Wholesome Goodness 176The Alien Messiah: No Flying Allowed! 179Fate/Destiny/Choice: Earning His Angel Wings 180Why A Third Father? Reforming the Criminal CEO 183Disjunctively Speaking 18511 Stamping Out Alien-Human Freaks: Smallville's Moral Duty 187It's Raining Mutants 188$ S: Or Why Do Lex and Clark Not Laugh at Themselves? 191Egghead Paranoia 193Between Fantasy and Delusion-Is a Very Thin Line 195Afterword: A Self-RefleXive Moment 197Notes 201References 221Index 239