Teen Grief Relief: Parenting with Understanding, Support and Guidance

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Author: Heidi Horsley

ISBN-10: 1568251106

ISBN-13: 9781568251103

Category: General & Miscellaneous

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Acknowledgments     xiA Note from Dr. Heidi Horsley     xiiA Note from Dr. Gloria Horsley     xiiiForeword   Pat Loder, Executive Director     xivIntroduction     xvFacing the Worst-Case ScenarioLiving In an Upside-Down World     3Emotional Extremes     8What If You Don't Want to Talk About It?     12Surviving the PainOne Minute at a Time     25There's Nothing Easy About This     29Watching for Trouble Signs     34Finding Your New NormalFinding Hope in the Dark     45What to Do When You Can't Find The Light     51You Can Feel Happy Again     58Keeping Your ConnectionForever in Your Mind     67Now What?     76Resources: Help and Information for Grieving Teens     79Hot Lines     79Chat Rooms     79Internet Radio     80Organizations and Websites     80References     84About the AuthorsHeidi Horsley, Psy.D.     86Gloria Horsley, Ph.D.     86