Swim against the Current: Even a Dead Fish Can Go With the Flow

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Author: Jim Hightower

ISBN-10: 0470422831

ISBN-13: 9780470422830

Category: American wit and humor

America’s most irascible and hilarious curmudgeon turns a kind and benevolent eye toward brave, hardy, and hardworking souls around the country who have found ways to break free from corporate tentacles; redefine success in business, politics, and life in general; and blaze new pathways toward a richer and happier way of life, from the farmers’ cooperative that said “NO!” to Wal-Mart and thrived to the economists who got into the coffee business by accident and turned the entire industry on...

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America’s most irascible and hilarious curmudgeon turns a kind and benevolent eye toward brave, hardy, and hardworking souls around the country who have found ways to break free from corporate tentacles; redefine success in business, politics, and life in general; and blaze new pathways toward a richer and happier way of life, from the farmers’ cooperative that said “NO!” to Wal-Mart and thrived to the economists who got into the coffee business by accident and turned the entire industry on its ear.

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Acknowledgments     xiIntroduction     1Business     5Business without Greed     7Fair Trade     14Cooperation Works     19Socially Responsible     29Putting Workers in Charge     42The Good (Business) Life     51Banking on Change     58Connections for Part One     66Politics     73Shape Up, America!     75Run for It!     83Clean Elections     92Democracy School     105Build It!     111Granny Power     122The Politics of Fun     127Connections for Part Two     134Life     139Take Charge!     141How We Live     151A Mass Movement Arises     158Flowers in the Field     164The Conscience of an Evangelical     176Connections for Part Three     188Final Thoughts     193DeMarco's Reading List     197Index     201

\ From the Publisher"We all need some inspiration from time to time to remind us of what we’re fighting for, not just against. Hightower and DeMarco provide it in these pages, thank our lucky stars..." (DailyKos.com, April 6, 2008)\ \