Surviving the Tough Times: How to Make Ends Meet Now

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Author: Pat Mistretta

ISBN-10: 1591136210

ISBN-13: 9781591136217

Category: Personal Finance - General & Miscellaneous

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Suddenly there was not enough money to pay the rent. For the first time in my 50 years, the electric was shut off, as well as the phones. How did this happen? Where did I go wrong? Regardless of the answers or reasons, I faced the reality of not enough money like a fast approaching tornado on a path directly towards me. How were we going to manage? What bills do I pay first with what little we had? I wanted to throw up as the tears of fear streamed down my face. Panic set in to the point of freezing me in my tracks. I was in trouble! Sound familiar? Are you, too, in a situation like this? If you are out of work - YOU NEED THIS BOOK! If you are going from two incomes to one due to a job loss, death or even divorce - YOU NEED THIS BOOK! If you are short of food, having trouble paying your bills, or are on the verge of losing your home - YOU NEED THIS BOOK! WHY? This book is about surviving. What to do, where to go, what help is out there, and how you can better your situation. It's filled with personal stories and up-to-date references with addresses, phone numbers and websites. It will even tell you how to make fast cash to assist in getting over your hurdles. Surviving the Tough Times contains the most information you will find in any one place. Whether it is for you or someone you know, this book is about surviving - NOW! Biography Pat Mistretta is an artist and writer residing in Atlanta, Georgia, having raised her one daughter as a single-parent and sole breadwinner for over 20 years.