Style and Difference

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Author: Donna Gorrell

ISBN-10: 0618381597

ISBN-13: 9780618381593

Category: English Grammar

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Part of an advanced understanding of grammatical rules and conventions is knowing when to break them. This guide advises students how to bend those rules in order to make their writing more interesting. Thirty-six concise chapters discuss the potential stylistic benefits of (for example) split infinitives, the passive voice, and ending a sentence with a preposition. All chapters are illustrated with examples from the works of contemporary professional writers of nonfiction. Annotation ©2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Introduction: Style, Situation, and Difference I. Style 1.Coordinate Balanced Ideas 2.Subordinate Cumulative Ideas 3.Vary Your Sentences 4.Vary Your Sentences—Again 5.Pack Your Sentences with Parallelism 6.Make Your Point with Emphasis and Rhythm 7.Modify with Style 8.Connect Your Thoughts Coherently 9.Be Concise 10.Make Your Voice Heard 11.Figure Your Language for Vivid Writing 12.Omit and, Repeat and II. Difference 13.Use Passive Verbs 14.Begin Your Sentences with and (but, or, nor, for, yet, so) 15.Begin Your Sentences with because (since, while) 16.Fragment Your Sentences 17.Splice with Commas 18.Refer with a Singular they 19.Say I (we, you) 20.Contract Your Words 21.Split Your Infinitives 22.Use which for that 23.End Your Sentences with Prepositions 24.Repeat, Repeat, Repeat III. Punctuation and Style 25.Control Your Commas 26.End with Periods Etc. 27.Dash with Dashes 28.Point with Colons 29.Separate with Semicolons 30.Possess with Apostrophes 31.Connect with Hyphens IV. A Few Good Rules 32.Make Your Verbs Agree with Your Subjects 33.Be Sure Your Pronouns Refer to Something 34.Make Your Pronouns Agree 35.Just in Case—Pronouns Again 36.Don't Dangle Your Modifiers V. Writers on Style Richard A. Lanham, Frank Smith, William Zinsser, Winston Weathers and Otis Winchester, Annie Dillard, Comte de Buffon, Louis Milic, Keith Hjortshoj, Monroe C. Beardsley, Walker Gibson, Aristotle, Quintilian, William Strunk Jr., and E. B. White