Statutory Default Rules: How to Interpret Unclear Legislation

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Author: Einer Elhauge

ISBN-10: 0674024605

ISBN-13: 9780674024601

Category: Interpretation & Construction of Law

Most new law is statutory law; that is, law enacted by legislators. An important question, therefore, is how should this law be interpreted by courts and agencies, especially when the text of a statute is not entirely clear. There is a great deal of scholarly literature on the rules and legal materials courts should use in interpreting statutes. This book takes a fresh approach by focusing instead on what judges should do once the legal materials fail to resolve the interpretive question. It...

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Most new law is statutory law; that is, law enacted by legislators. An important question, therefore, is how should this law be interpreted by courts and agencies, especially when the text of a statute is not entirely clear. There is a great deal of scholarly literature on the rules and legal materials courts should use in interpreting statutes. This book takes a fresh approach by focusing instead on what judges should do once the legal materials fail to resolve the interpretive question. It challenges the common assumption that in such cases judges should exercise interstitial lawmaking power. Instead, it argues that—wherever one believes the interpretive inquiry has failed to resolve the statutory meaning—judges can and should use statutory default rules that are designed to maximize the satisfaction of enactable political preferences; that is, the political preferences of the polity that are shared among enough elected officials that they could and would be enacted into law if the issue were on the legislative agenda.These default rules explain many recent high-profile cases, including the Guantánamo detainees case, the sentencing guidelines case, the decision denying the FDA authority to regulate cigarettes, and the case that refused to allow the attorney general to criminalize drugs used in physician-assisted suicide.

Introduction and Overview     1Why Courts Should Maximize Enactable Preferences When Statutes Are Unclear     23Current Preferences Default Rules     39The General Theory for Current Preferences Default Rules     41Inferring Current Preferences from Recent Legislative Action     70Inferring Current Preferences from Agency Action     79Enactor Preferences Default Rules     113From Legislative Intent to Probabilistic Estimates of Enactable Preferences     115Moderation, Unforeseen Circumstances, and a Theory of Meaning     135Preference-Eliciting Default Rules     149Eliciting Legislative Preferences     151Canons Favoring the Politically Powerless     168Linguistic Canons of Statutory Construction     188Interpretations That May Create International Conflict     204Explaining Seeming Inconsistencies in Statutory Stare Decisis     211Supplemental Default Rules     225Tracking the Preferences of Political Subunits     227Tracking High Court Preferences     234Objections     241The Fit with Prior Political Science Models and Empirical Data     243Interest Group and Collective Choice Theory     263Protecting Reliance or Avoiding Change or Effect     302Rebutting Operational and Jurisprudential Objections     324Notes     337Index     381