Statistical Fluid Mechanics: Mechanics of Turbulence, Volume II

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Author: A. S. Monin

ISBN-10: 0486458911

ISBN-13: 9780486458915

Category: Hydraulic Engineering - General & Miscellaneous

"If ever a book on turbulence could be called definitive," declared Science, "it is this book by two of Russia's most eminent and productive scientists in turbulence, oceanography, and atmospheric physics." Noted for its clarity as well as its comprehensive treatment, this two-volume set serves as text or reference. 1975 edition.

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"If ever a book on turbulence could be called definitive," declared Science, "it is this book by two of Russia's most eminent and productive scientists in turbulence, oceanography, and atmospheric physics." Noted for its clarity as well as its comprehensive treatment, this two-volume set serves as text or reference. 1975 edition.

Authors' Preface to the English Edition     iiiEditor's Preface to the English Edition     vMathematical Description of Turbulence. Spectral Functions     1Spectral Representations of Stationary Processes and Homogeneous Fields     1Spectral Representation of Stationary Processes     3Spectral Representation of Homogeneous Fields     16Partial Derivatives of Homogeneous Fields. Divergence and Curl of a Vector Field     23Isotropic Random Fields     29Correlation Functions and Spectra of Scalar Isotropic Fields     29Correlation Functions and Spectra of Isotropic Fields     35Solenoidal and Potential Isotropic Vector Fields     49One-Point and Two-Point Higher-Order Moments of Isotropic Fields     58Three-Point Moments of Isotropic Fields     75Locally Homogeneous and Locally Isotropic Random Fields     80Processes with Stationary Increments     80Locally Homogeneous Fields     93Locally Isotropic Fields     98Isotropic Turbulence     113Equations for the Correlation and Spectral Functions of Isotropic Turbulence     113Definition of Isotropic Turbulence and the Possibilities of its Experimental Realization     113Equations for the Velocity Correlations     117Equations for the Velocity Spectra     123Correlations and Spectra Containing Pressure     130Correlations and Spectra Containing the Temperature     136The Simplest Consequences of the Correlation and Spectral Equations     141Balance Equations for Energy, Vorticity, and Temperature-Fluctuation Intensity     141The Loitsyanskii and Corrsin Integrals     146Final Period of Decay of Isotropic Turbulence     152Experimental Data on the Final Period of Decay. The Decay of Homogeneous Turbulence     162Asymptotic Behavior of the Correlations and Spectra of Homogeneous Turbulence in the Range of Large Length Scales (or Small Wave Numbers)     169The Influence of the Spectrum Singularity on the Final Period Decay     174Self-Preservation Hypotheses     177The von Karman Hypothesis on the Self-Preservation of the Velocity Correlation Functions     177Less Stringent Forms of the von Karman Hypothesis     181Spectral Formulation of the Self-Preservation Hypotheses     185Experimental Verification of the Self-Preservation Hypotheses     189The Kolmogorov Hypotheses on Small-Scale Self-Preservation at High Enough Reynolds Numbers     197Conditions for the Existence of Kolmogorov Self-Preservation in Grid Turbulence     204The Meso-Scale Quasi-Equilibrium Hypothesis. Self-Preservation of Temperature Fluctuations     210Spectral Energy-Transfer Hypotheses     212Approximate Formulas for the Spectral Energy Transfer     212Application of the Energy Transfer Hypotheses to the Study of the Shape of the Spectrum in the Quasi-Equilibrium Range     225Application of the Energy-Transfer Hypotheses to Decaying Turbulence behind a Grid     235Self-Preserving Solutions of the Approximate Equations for the Energy Spectrum     237The Miliionshchikov Zero-Fourth-Cumulant Hypothesis and its Application to the Investigation of Pressure and Acceleration Fluctuations     241The Zero-Fourth-Cumulant Hypothesis and the Data on Velocity Probability Distributions     241Calculation of the Pressure Correlation and Spectra     250Estimation of the Turbulent Acceleration Fluctuations     256Dynamic Equations for the Higher-Order Moments and the Closure Problem     260Equations for the Third-Order Moments of Flow Variables     260Closure of the Moment Equations by the Moment Discard Assumption     267Closure of the Second- and Third-Order Moment Equations Using the Millionshchikov Zero-Fourth-Cumulant Hypothesis     271Zero-Fourth-Cumulant Approximation for Temperature Fluctuations in Isotropic Turbulence     286Space-Time Correlation Functions. The Case of Stationary Isotropic Turbulence     290Application of Perturbation Theory and the Diagram Technique     295Equations for the Finite-Dimensional Probability Distributions of Velocities     310Turbulence in Compressible Fluids     317Invariants of Isotropic Compressible Turbulence     317Linear Theory; Final Period of Decay of Compressible Turbulence     321Quadratic Effects; Generation of Sound by Turbulence     328Locally Isotropic Turbulence     337General Description of the Small-Scale Structure of Turbulence at Large Reynolds Numbers     337A Qualitative Scheme for Developed Turbulence     337Definition of Locally Isotropic Turbulence     341The Kolmogorov Similarity Hypotheses     345Local Structure of the Velocity Fluctuations     351Statistical Characteristics of Acceleration, Vorticity, and Pressure Fields     368Local Structure of the Temperature Field for High Reynolds and Peclet Numbers     377Local Characteristics of Turbulence in the Presence of Buoyancy Forces and Chemical Reactions. Effect of Thermal Stratification     387Dynamic Theory of the Local Structure of Developed Turbulence      395Equations for the Structure and Spectral Functions of Velocity and Temperature     395Closure of the Dynamic Equations     403Behavior of the Turbulent Energy Spectrum in the Far Dissipation Range     421Behavior of the Temperature Spectrum at Very Large Wave Numbers     433Experimental Data on the Fine Scale Structure of Developed Turbulence     449Methods of Measurement; Application of Taylor's Frozen-Turbulence Hypothesis     449Verification of the Local Isotropy Assumption     453Verification of the Second Kolmogorov Similarity Hypothesis for the Velocity Fluctuations     461Verification of the First Kolmogorov Similarity Hypothesis for the Velocity Field     486Data on the Local Structure of the Temperature and other Scalar Fields Mixed by Turbulence     494Data on Turbulence Spectra in the Atmosphere beyond the Low-Frequency Limit of the Inertial Subrange     517Diffusion in an Isotropic Turbulence     527Diffusion in an Isotropic Turbulence. Statistical Characteristics of the Motion of a Fluid Particle     527Statistical Characteristics of the Motion of a Pair of Fluid Particles     536Relative Diffusion and Richardson's Four-Thirds Law     551Hypotheses on the Probability Distributions of Local Diffusion Characteristics      567Material Line and Surface Stretching in Turbulent Flows     578Refined Treatment of the Local Structure of Turbulence, Taking into Account Fluctuations in Dissipation Rate     584General Considerations and Model Examples     584Refined Similarity Hypothesis     590Statistical Characteristics of the Dissipation     594Refined Expressions for the Statistical Characteristics of Small-Scale Turbulence     640More General Form of the Refined Similarity Hypothesis     650Wave Propagation Through Turbulence     653Propagation of Electromagnetic and Sound Waves in a Turbulent Medium     653Foundations of the Theory of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in a Turbulent Medium     653Sound Propagation in a Turbulent Atmosphere     668Turbulent Scattering of Electromagnetic and Sound Waves     674Fluctuations in the Amplitude and Phase of Electromagnetic and Sound Waves in a Turbulent Atmosphere     685Strong Fluctuations of Wave Amplitude     704Stellar Scintillation     721Fluctuations in the Amplitude and Phase of Star Light Observed on the Earth's Surface     721The Effect of Telescope Averaging and Scintillation of Stellar and Planetary Images     729Time Spectra of Fluctuations in the Intensity of Stellar Images in Telescopes     733Chromatic Stellar Scintillation     737Functional Formulation of the Turbulence Problem     743Equations for the Characteristic Functional     743Equations for the Spatial Characteristic Functional of the Velocity Field     743Spectral Form of the Equations for the Spatial Characteristic Functional     751Equations for the Space-Time Characteristic Functional     760Equations for the Characteristic Functional in the Presence of External Forces     763Methods of Solving the Equations for the Characteristic Functional     773Use of a Functional Power Series     773Zero-Order Approximation in the Reynolds Number     783Expansion in Powers of the Reynolds Number     791Other Expansion Schemes     798Use of Functional Integrals     802Bibliography     813Supplementary Remarks to Volume 1     853References     854Errata to Volume 1     855Author Index     863Subject Index     871