State Secretaries of State: Guardians of the Democratic Process (Election Law, Politics, and Theory Series)

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Author: Jocelyn F. Benson

ISBN-10: 0754677451

ISBN-13: 9780754677451

Category: United States Law - General & Miscellaneous

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"This book reveals how State Secretaries of State often play a pivotal role in properly administering elections and promoting the values of a healthy democracy, including accuracy, access, transparency, and participation. Nearly a decade after the 2000 Presidential elections invited a firestorm of questions about the sanctity of our democratic process, there continues to be a heightened interest in the role of statewide elections officials, typically the state's Secretary of State. Much of that interest has resulted in overly critical coverage that focuses nearly exclusively on election errors while ignoring much of the noble and tireless efforts that individuals exert on a daily basis to ensure that American citizens benefit from an electoral system that ensures that our elections are democratic, inclusive, and accountable to the people." Through a series of case studies, anecdotes, and interviews with current and recent secretaries, State Secretaries of State expands upon this premise of the primacy of the Secretary of State. Author Jocelyn Benson provides the first in-depth study of the Secretary's role in registering voters, enforcing voting laws and regulations, overseeing elections, and certifying results. As such, it represents a much-needed contribution to the study of U.S. elections, both in practice and in law.