Speechcraft: Workbook for International TA Discourse

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Author: Laura Diane Hahn

ISBN-10: 0472085239

ISBN-13: 9780472085231

Category: English language -> Pronunciation by foreign speakers

Speechcraft is a multi-book project that includes one core text that can be accompanied by several different workbooks, depending on the needs of the learner. The first workbook to accompany the core text was written with international teaching assistants (ITAs) in mind, and it expands on and contextualizes the content of the core text for ITAs. The second workbook was written for anyone who needs to com-municate effectively in academic settings. All Speechcraft books have been designed for...

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Practice to assist international teaching assistants with pronunciation and communication

Groundwork1G-1Purpose and Scope of Speechcraft2G-2Sounds: Overview of Consonants and Vowels7G-3Beyond Sounds: Overview of the Word Level11G-4Beyond Words: Overview of the Discourse Level23Discourse Level Topics37D-1Message Units38D-2Rhythm - Alternations43D-3Rhythm - Linking48D-4Rhythm - Trimming55D-5Primary Stress - New Information in Content Words62D-6Primary Stress - New Information in Function Words74D-7Intonation80Word Level Topics91W-1Word Stress Rules: Getting Started92W-2Neutral and Basic Endings95W-3The Sounds of the -s/-'s and -ed Endings100W-4Key Syllables and Left Syllables106W-5Key Stress Rule Patterns114W-6V/VC Stress Rule Patterns128W-7Left Stress Rule Patterns141W-8Prefix Stress Rule Patterns152App. 1Suggestions for Instructors175App. 2Vowel and Consonant Prediction Patterns187App. 3: Answers to Items191