Speech Out of Doors: Preserving First Amendment Liberties in Public Places

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Author: Timothy Zick

ISBN-10: 0521731968

ISBN-13: 9780521731966

Category: Civil Liberties

Even in an age characterized by increasing virtual presence and communication, speakers still need physical places in which to exercise First Amendment liberties. This book examines the critical intersection of public speech and spatiality. Through a tour of various places on what the author calls the “expressive topography,” the book considers a variety of public speech activities including sidewalk counseling at abortion clinics, residential picketing, protesting near funerals, assembling...

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This book is about the places of First Amendment expression.

1. Introduction: the geography of expression; 2. The expressive topography and public liberties; 3. Embodied places; 4. Contested places; 5. Non-places; 6. Inscribed places; 7. Militarized places; 8. Places of higher learning; 9. Networked public places.