Speaking of God: Theology, Language and Truth

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Author: D. Stephen Long

ISBN-10: 080284572X

ISBN-13: 9780802845726

Category: General & Miscellaneous Theology

In this theological tour de force D.Stephen Long addresses a key question in current theological debate: the conditions of the possibility of “God-talk,” along with attending questions about natural theology, fideism, and theological truth-claims. He engages not only the most significant contemporary theologians and philosophers on this score (Denys Turner, Bruce Marshall, Charles Taylor, Fergus Kerr) but also the legacy of twentieth-century theology (Barth, von Balthasar) and the analytic...

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In this theological tour de force D. Stephen Long addresses a key question in current theological debate: the conditions of the possibility of "God-talk," along with attending questions about natural theology, fideism, and theological truth-claims. He engages not only the most significant contemporary theologians and philosophers on this score (Denys Turner, Bruce Marshall, Charles Taylor, Fergus Kerr) but also the legacy of twentieth-century theology (Barth, von Balthasar) and the analytic philosophical tradition from Wittgenstein to Davidson. Throughout, Long sustains a careful exegetical engagement with Aquinas, showing that what's at stake in contemporary theology is just how we inherit St. Thomas.Central to Long's project is averting the charge of "fideism" so often laid at the feet of "postliberal" approaches (like his own). To that end Long argues for a (chastened) natural theology, while challenging any simple distinction between "natural" and "confessional" theology.

Preface viiIntroduction 11 Speaking of God in Modernity 211 Fideism 242 Projectionist Theological Language 363 Ontotheology 504 Analogia entis 552 Faith and Reason 831 Modern Theology's Discontents 852 Barthian Fideism? 933 Neoscholastic Rationalism? 1104 Faith and Its Reasons 1155 Formal and Material Aspects of Faith and Reason 1236 God Is ... Triune 1353 Theology: The Divine Name 1491 Negative Theology? 1502 The Divine Name(s) 1632a Divine Names between Univocal and Equivocal Predication 1712b Divine Names: Modus Significandi/Res Significata 1742c Divine Names: Negation, Affirmation, Via Eminentiae 1762d Divine Names: Christ Is the Via Eminentiae 1773 The Loss of the Divine Names and Speaking Well of God 1803a The Hellenization Thesis 1833b The End of Metaphysics 1853c Historical-Critical Readings of the Divine Name 1874 Augustine, Dionysius, and Aquinas on the Divine Names 1935 Thomas's Five Ways and the Way of Jesus 1996 The Five Ways among Theology's Discontents 2074 Language 2151 Metaphysics versus Metaphysical Use 2172 The Linguistic Overturn of Metaphysics 2283 Conflicting Interpretations of Wittgenstein 2344 Aquinas's Higher Discipline 2385 Methodological Nominalism 2445 Truth 2611 The Politics of Truth 2632 The Truth of Politics 2683 Truth as Inevitably Metaphysical 2794 Must We Be Fallibilists? 2855 Truth, Generosity, and Love 2936 Truth, Love, and Mary 2987 What Is Truth? The Encounter between Jesus and Pilate 323Index Of Authors 327Index Of Subjects 332