Speak Up 1: Listening and Pronunciation for Beginning Students, Vol. 1

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Author: Cheryl Pavlik

ISBN-10: 0838449964

ISBN-13: 9780838449967

Category: Teaching - Language Arts

Speak Up is a comprehensive two level oral/aural skills program for beginning and high beginning ESL/FL students. Book 1 is designed for beginning level students. It presents engaging and relevant contexts that provide students ample opportunity to develop their pronunciation, listening comprehension, and speaking skills.

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Speak Up is a comprehensive two level oral/aural skills program for beginning and high beginning ESL/FL students. Book 1 is designed for beginning level students. It presents engaging and relevant contexts that provide students ample opportunity to develop their pronunciation, listening comprehension, and speaking skills.

1. Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained. 2. Dead Men Tell No Tales. 3. A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed. 4. Practice Makes Perfect. 5. Don't Count Your Chickens Before They're Hatched. 6. Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish. 7. Review 1 - 6. 8. Where There's Smoke, There's Fire. 9. Better Late Than Never. 10. Make Hay While the Sun Shines. 11. Money Doesn't Grow on Trees. 12. If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em. 13. Actions Speak Louder Than Words. 14. Review 8 - 14. 15. Easier Said Than Done. 16. Business Before Pleasure. 17. All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy. 18. Curiosity Killed the Cat. 19. Don't Give Up. 20. Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other. 21. Review 15 - 20. 22. It Takes Two to Tango. 23. In One Ear and Out the Other. 24. Don't Put Off Until Tomorrow What You Can Do Today. 25. Honesty is the Best Policy. 26. Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil. 27. Variety is the Spice of Life. 28. Review 22 - 27.