Soup Through the Ages: A Culinary History with Period Recipes

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Author: Victoria R. Rumble

ISBN-10: 0786439610

ISBN-13: 9780786439614

Category: General & Miscellaneous Cooking

As the world's first prepared dish, soup has been at the forefront of filling and nutritious meals since rudimentary cooking vessels were finally replaced by metal pots and cauldrons. As cooking advanced from simply placing wild grains, seeds, or meat in or near a fire to following some vague notion of food as a pleasing experience, soup became the unpretentious comfort food for all of civilization—the dish that would sustain Roman plebeians, medieval peasants, and settlers of the New World...

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As the world's first prepared dish, soup has been at the forefront of filling and nutritious meals since rudimentary cooking vessels were finally replaced by metal pots and cauldrons. As cooking advanced from simply placing wild grains, seeds, or meat in or near a fire to following some vague notion of food as a pleasing experience, soup became the unpretentious comfort food for all of civilization—the dish that would sustain Roman plebeians, medieval peasants, and settlers of the New World alike.This book provides a comprehensive culinary history of soup in all its forms, from the days of stone boilers through the food rationing of World War II. Part One provides an overview of the earliest cuisines of the ancient world, including rudimentary soup recipes in Egypt, Greece, and Rome and their later adaptation to form the culinary backbone of national cuisines in Europe. Part Two examines soup in the New World, identifying the vegetables and grains used in the earliest soups of Native American tribes; the more meat- and fish-based soups and chowders introduced to the New World by settlers; military rations and wartime soups from the American Revolution to World War II; the influence of slavery on Caribbean and Southern cuisine; and the history of soup kitchens and philanthropic cuisine since the Great Depression. Appendices detail vegetables and herbs used in centuries-old soup recipes and contains dozens of recipes from the medieval era through World War II.

Foreword Sandra Oliver Oliver, SandraPt. 1 The Old World1 Soup - The World's First Prepared Dish2 Social Culture and Emerging Cuisines3 Ancient Egypt4 Biblical Fare5 Ancient Greece6 Ancient Rome7 The Medieval Period8 The Renaissance Era and Beyond9 Open Hearth Development10 Ireland11 Scotland12 England and Wales13 France14 Germany and Poland15 Remaining European and Mediterranean16 AsiaPt. 2 The New World17 American Indian18 Colonial America19 Bartram and Kalm20 Portable Soup21 Army and Military Soup22 Overland Trail23 Slave Food to Soul Food24 Tavern Food25 Modern Jewish Soups26 Nineteenth Century America27 Cajun and Creole28 Economic Depressions29 Soup Kitchens30 Life on the Home Front31 Outdoor Soup32 Soup as a WeaponAppendix I Period Soup Vegetables and HerbsAppendix II Period RecipesAppendix III Some Early Cookery BooksAppendix IV Sources for Cookery ItemsChapter NotesBibliographyIndex