Sound Patterns Of Spoken Engli

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Author: Shockey

ISBN-10: 0631230807

ISBN-13: 9780631230809

Category: Linguistics & Semiotics

"The book examines changes that occur to certain sounds and in certain parts of words and syllables in the casual, unmonitored speech of native English speakers. It outlines major phonological processes found in conversational English: reviews and criticizes attempts to include these processes in phonological theory; and surveys experimental approaches to explaining casual English pronunciations. Among the varieties of English covered are General American and Standard Southern British, but...

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Sound Patterns of Spoken English is a concise, to-the-point compendium of information about the casual pronunciation of everyday English as compared to formal citation forms.Concise, to-the-point compendium of information about casual pronunciation of English as compared to citation forms. Covers varieties of English language including General American and Standard Southern British. Overlaps the boundaries of several areas of study including sociolinguistics, lexicography, rhetoric, and speech sciences. Examines English pronunciation as found in everyday speech. Accompanied by website at featuring examples from different accents.

List of Figures and TablesPreface1Setting the Stage11.1Phonetics or Phonology?31.2Fast Speech?112Processes in Conversational English142.1The Vulnerability Hierarchy142.2Reduction Processes in English192.3Stress as a Conditioning Factor202.4Syllabic Conditioning Factors322.5Other Processes422.6Icons462.7Weak Forms?462.8Combinations of these Processes483Attempts at Phonological Explanation493.1Past Work on Conversational Phonology493.2Natural Phonology523.3Variable Rules533.4More on Rule Order543.5Attempts in the 1990s563.6And into the New Millennium674Experimental Studies in Casual Speech724.1Production of Casual Speech724.2Perception of Casual Speech895Applications1115.1Phonology1115.2First and Second Language Acquisition1175.3Interacting with Computers124Bibliography127Index142

\ From the Publisher"…the detailed information that is densely packed into this quite short text will be appreciated by many phoneticians, who will find it an exceptionally useful summary of the processes that affect conversational speech and the contexts under which they are most likely to occur." (Journal of the International Phonetic Association)\ \