Soul of a Dog: Reflections on the Spirits of the Animals of Bedlam Farm

MP3 Book
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Author: Jon Katz

ISBN-10: 1440761205

ISBN-13: 9781440761201

Category: Pet Memoirs

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Do animals have souls? Some of our greatest thinkers—Aristotle, Plato, Thomas Aquinas—and countless animal lovers have been obsessed with this question for thousands of years. Now New York Times bestselling author Jon Katz looks for an answer. With his signature wisdom, humor, and clarity, Katz relates the stories of the animals he lives with on Bedlam Farm and finds remarkable kinships at every turn. Whether it is beloved sheepdog Rose’s brilliant and methodical herding ability, Mother the cat’s keen mousing instincts, or Izzy’s canine compassion toward hospice patients, Katz is mesmerized to see in them individual personas and sparks of self-awareness. Soul of a Dog will resonate with anyone who loves dogs, cats, or other animals—and who wonders about the spirits that animate them and the deepening hold they have on our lives.  School Library Journal Adult/High School—Beginning with quotes from Aristotle regarding the inability of animals to reason about ethics, Katz proceeds to ponder the relationship between animals and humans and the profound question of whether animals have souls. In chapters centering on the many animals that inhabit the farm, the book challenges readers to think about good and evil in animals, whether they are capable of making moral decisions, and whether conscience exists in their world. The author shares the joy and solace he finds in his relationships with his animals, but is clearly wrestling with higher philosophical questions such as their place in our lives and how much they mean to us. He shares discussions he has with psychologists, behaviorists, and priests, and concludes that animals teach us humility and foster humanity within us. A mistake, he asserts, is that we try desperately to remake animals in our own image rather than recognize the impact they have in the faithfulness, friendship, and comfort they provide. Throughout Katz's anecdotes and ruminations, his pure joy and amazement shine through. Each chapter, whether about dogs or chickens or donkeys or sheep, will engage readers and tug at their heartstrings. An engaging and thought-provoking read.—Jane Ritter, Mill Valley School District, CA