Society and Death in Ancient Egypt: Mortuary Landscapes of the Middle Kingdom

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Author: Janet Richards

ISBN-10: 0521119839

ISBN-13: 9780521119832

Category: Architectural Time Periods & Styles

In Society and Death in Ancient Egypt, Janet Richards considers social stratification in Middle Kingdom Egypt, taking as the point of departure the assumption that a "middle class" arose during this period. By focusing on the entire range of mortuary behavior, rather than on elite remains, she shows how social and political processes can be reconstructed. Richards demonstrates that the roots of the middle class can be traced to the later Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period. Combining...

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Janet Richards considers social stratification in Middle Kingdom Egypt.

1Social differentiation and the notion of class132Egyptian society through text and image193Society, settlement, and votive behavior324People, death, and the "tomb problem" in Egypt495Mortuary landscapes in the Middle Kingdom : belief and practice756Burial at the center : Haraga and Rigga887Cemeteries past, present, and provincial : Abydos125Conclusion. The Egyptian Nile Valley in the Middle Kingdom : history, politics, and society173AppAbydos North Cemetery project 1988 : Middle Kingdom burials181