Smart Devices: Modeling of Material Systems: An International Workshop: IIT Madras, Cennai, India, 10-12 January 2009

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Author: Srinivasan M. Sivakumar

ISBN-10: 0735405530

ISBN-13: 9780735405530

Category: Mechanical Engineering - General & Miscellaneous

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The SDMoMS workshop provided a forum for exchange of ideas between the smart material modeling community and the design community. The possibility of a common modeling framework was explored to come up with modeling tools and to enable designers with exercising their choice of materials from an array of existing smart materials, gather material property data, and compare and simulate these materials in a relatively simple manner before arriving at an optimal design. The workshop focused on materials such as shape memory materials, magnetic solids and fluids, polymers for smart applications and ferroelectrics.

Inaugural LectureModeling of Entropy Producing Processes 3Sess. 1 Smart Devices - An Overall PerspectiveChallenges in Modeling of Smart Materials and Devices 13Sess. A1 Shape Memory Modeling ApproachesA Coupled Thermo-mechanical Theory for Polycrystalline SMAs 27Discrete Models for Structural Phase Transitions 50A Simple, Gibbs Potential Based Multinetwork Model for Shape Memory Polymers 58Sess. A2 Shape Memory Modeling in ApplicationsImpact-induced Wave Patterns in a Slender Cylinder Composed of a Non-convex Elastic Material 77Modeling the Behaviour of an Advanced Material Based Smart Landing Gear System for Aerospace Vehicles 92Phenomenological Modeling of Shape Memory Alloys 104Sess. B Magnetic MaterialsModeling of MR Fluids and Devices 127Modeling of Magnetostrictive Materials and Structures 140Sess. C Polymers in Smart ApplicationsIssues for Consideration in the Design of Shape Memory Polymer Systems 161Design and Development of a Partially Compliant 4-bar Using IPMC for Work Volume Generation 171A Nonlinear Generalized Continuum Approach for Electromechanical Coupling 183Sess. D1 Ferroelectric Materials - Nonlinear BehaviorExperimental Studies on the Non-linear Ferroelectric and Ferroelastic Properties of Piezoceramics 199Nonlinear Piezoelectric Effects: Towards Physics Based Computational Modeling of Micro-cracking, Fatigue, and Switching 209Studies on Grain-boundary Effects of Ferroelectric Polycrystals 221Sess. D2 Ferroelectric Materials - Preparation and CharacterizationAccurate Characterization and Modeling of Piezoelectric and Electrostrictive Ceramics and Single Crystals 239Models andCharacterization of Piezoelectric Ceramics 264Preparation and Characterization of PZT Thin Films 279Preparation and Characterization of PZT Wafers 290Poster SessionStructural Health Monitoring of Frame Structures using Piezo Transducer 303Author Index 311