Simple, Clear, and Correct: Paragraphs

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Author: William J. Kelly

ISBN-10: 0205520855

ISBN-13: 9780205520855

Category: English Grammar

With its brevity (288 pages) and low price, Simple, Clear, and Correct delivers quality instruction at an affordable price. Author Bill Kelly hones paragraph-writing skills and then extends the writing with an introdcution to the essay and documentation. A crisp grammar review helps readers with the basics of composition for clearer, more correct writing.

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With its brevity (288 pages) and low price, Simple, Clear, and Correct delivers quality instruction at an affordable price. Author Bill Kelly hones paragraph-writing skills and then extends the writing with an introdcution to the essay and documentation. A crisp grammar review helps readers with the basics of composition for clearer, more correct writing.

Part I: Making a StartChapter 1: The Paragraph: Process and ProductUnderstanding the Paragraph: Definition and ExplanationRecognizing the Reading/Writing ConnectionReading ActivelyPreparing a SummaryPreparing a Critical ParagraphChapter 2. Prewriting: Principles and TechniquesPrewriting DefinedFreewritingBrainstormingClusteringBranchingChapter 3. Composing: Creating a Topic Sentence and Draft ParagraphComposing DefinedDeveloping an Effective Topic SentenceChoosing and Developing Effective Supporting SentencesCreating a First Draft ParagraphChapter 4. Revising: Refining Your DraftRevising DefinedReassessing for Unity, Coherence, and LanguageRedraftingEditing for DictionProofreading for FormPart II: Understanding the Types and TechniquesChapter 5. NarrationProviding a Topic Sentence for Narrative ContextExplaining Events in Chronological OrderRecognizing the Most Effective Point of ViewChapter 6. DescriptionProviding a Topic Sentence to Preview Your DescriptionDrawing Upon Sensory DetailsRelying on Both Objective and Subjective DescriptionConsidering Spatial OrderChapter 7. ExampleProviding a Topic Sentence to State the Point Being IllustratedChoosing Specific ExamplesSelecting Relevant ExamplesProviding an Effective ArrangementChapter 8. ProcessProviding a Topic Sentence To Clearly State the Procedure or TechniqueUsing the Imperative Mood When AppropriateDividing the Process into Simple, Logical StepsRelying on Linear OrderChapter 9. DefinitionProviding a Topic Sentence to Highlight the Item or IdeaUnderstanding the Elements of Effective DefinitionRecognizing All The Possible MeaningsEnhancing Definition through Synonyms, Negation, and EtymologyChapter 10. Comparison and ContrastProviding a Topic Sentence to Specify the Subjects and FocusEstablishing a Basis for ComparisonIncluding a Thorough PresentationArranging Ideas EffectivelyChapter 11. Cause and EffectProviding a Topic Sentence to Focus on Cause or EffectDistinguishing between Direct and Related Causes and EffectsAvoiding Oversimplification of Causes and EffectsIncluding an Effective ArrangementChapter 12. Division and ClassificationProviding a Topic Sentence to Delineate the Scope and Identify the Focus as Division or ClassificationEstablishing a Logical Method of AnalysisMaintaining a Consistent PresentationUsing Distinct and Complete GroupingsChapter 13. ArgumentProviding a Topic Sentence to Identify a Clear Stance on an IssueIncluding Sufficient SupportUsing a Reasonable and Convincing ToneAvoiding Errors in LogicArranging Supporting Sentences in Emphatic OrderChapter 14. Moving Beyond the Paragraph: The EssayRecognizing the Difference between a Paragraph and an EssayOutlining Essay Structure: Introduction, Body, and ConclusionExamining the Essay-Writing Process: Prewriting, Composing, and RevisingUnderstanding the Importance of the ThesisRemember the Importance of Meeting the Reader’s NeedsPart III: Mastering FormChapter 15. Parts of SpeechChapter 16. Parts and Types of SentencesChapter 17. FragmentsChapter 18. Comma Splices and Run-on SentencesChapter 19. Subject-verb AgreementChapter 20. Basic TensesChapter 21. Irregular VerbsChapter 22. Verb VoiceChapter 23. Noun and Pronoun UseChapter 24. Modifier UseChapter 25. SpellingChapter 26. ParallelismChapter 27. PunctuationChapter 28. CapitalizationAppendix, A Brief Guide to Documentation