Shockproof: How to Hardwire Your Business for Lasting Success

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Author: Debra Jacobs

ISBN-10: 0470872543

ISBN-13: 9780470872543

Category: Business Life & Skills

PRAISE FOR Shockproof\ "Read Shockproof and discover what every company needs to know and every leader wants to do in order to survive in the twenty-first century!"\ —Marshall Goldsmith, world-renowned Executive Coach and author of the New York Times bestsellers Mojo and What Got You Here Won't Get You There\ "Shockproof reinforces what I have believed for many years. No company can be resilient, adaptive, and achieve its objectives unless effective talent management processes are in place to...

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You survived the recession . . .are you ready for what's next?With rapid developments and shifts in the economy, technology, and customer expectations, businesses—even those that are widely regarded as successful—are often only one shock away from failure. Leaders spend countless hours trying to derive the perfect business strategy or organization design, only to be thrown off-kilter by an unanticipated change. When faced with a crisis that puts a business in peril, some leaders make the mistake of turning to quick-fix solutions, such as downsizing, divestiture, hiring a "savior" leader, or overinvesting in the latest flavor-of-the-month management consulting fad. Long-term success does not happen by accident. It happens when leaders are able to see what's going on in their businesses with absolute clarity and act with courage to ensure alignment between their business strategy, organization, and talent. These leaders realize that by balancing focus and flexibility theycan better prepare their businesses to respond to—or better yet, anticipate—change.Authors Debra Jacobs, Garrett Sheridan, and Juan Pablo González have helped the leaders of numerous companies such as AT&T, Intel, Pfizer, Sony, Nokia, American Express, Juicy Couture, and Qualcomm to better align business strategy, organization, and talent to improve execution. Now with Shockproof, these experts will show you how to do the same. The authors combine their experiences and proven approaches with the real stories of leaders who discovered the value of aligning strategy, organization design, and talent long before "shockproofing" became a verb. The insights offered by these successful leaders make Shockproof both compelling and practical. You'll find yourself finishing a chapter and thinking "That makes sense—we can do this too!"

Prologue “A Shockproof Future”.Chapter 1 “Beware the Big Blue Catfish”.Chapter 2 “Headlines or Tombstones?”.Chapter 3 “Make Sure the Strategy Is “Not Wrong”.Chapter 4 “Beyond Boxes and Lines”.Chapter 5 “Carbon Paper? Really?!”.Chapter 6 “Connections and Calibrations”.Chapter 7 “Be the Leader You Seek”.Chapter 8 “Pass the Salt”.