Sex Sells!: The American Media's Journey from Repression to Obsession

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Author: Rodger Streitmatter

ISBN-10: 0813342481

ISBN-13: 9780813342481

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

In 1953 when Lucille Ball became pregnant, the censors required the characters on "I Love Lucy" to say only that the wacky redhead was "in the family way"-they feared the word "pregnant" might conjure up, in the minds of viewers, images of a man and woman having sexual intercourse. Now, some fifty years later, from giant billboards featuring nearly nude models in Times Square to Bill Clinton's creative definition of sex to Madonna and Britney's prime-time kiss, sex pervades virtually every...

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Illuminates some of the major milestones on the libidinous journey of that dynamic duo -- sex and media -- over the past 50 years

The 1950s : no sex, please, we're American1The pill and the media12Playboy magazine153James Bond294Jim Morrison of the Doors435All in the family576Cosmopolitan magazine677Donahue788Three's company909Movies of the 1980s10310American advertising11511Madonna12612The gay nineties14013The black nineties15414Semen on the front page16815Youth media18216Paying for sex (on cable)19617Cyberporn21018Reality television222"Sexual literacy" : understanding the media's sexual messages234