Sentence Essentials: A Grammar Guide

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Author: Linda Wong

ISBN-10: 0618000364

ISBN-13: 9780618000364

Category: English Grammar

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In this worktext, Wong ensures that students focus on their grammar and sentence-writing skills by offering clear, step-by-step instruction reinforced through numerous examples and abundant exercises for individual, partner, or group practice. Each topic is clearly defined without overwhelming details, sophisticated rules, or lengthy explanations.

Note: Chapters 2-10 conclude with Exercises, a Chapter Summary, Writing Topics, Web Site Learning Experiences, and a Review. 1. An Introduction to the Writing Process Benefits of a Strong Grammar Foundation Steps in the Writing Process Writing Paragraphs Key Elements of Paragraph Structure Getting Started Web Site Learning Experiences 2. Nouns Additional Noun Markers Rules of Capitalization: People Rules of Capitalization: Places Rules of Capitalization: Things Rules of Capitalization: Literary Works and Academic Courses Two or More Words That Function as One Noun Comma Sense 3. Prepositions Pronouns as Objects of the Preposition Prepositions with Two or More Objects To as a Preposition or as a Part of an Infinitive Comma Sense 4. Subjects and Verbs in Simple Sentences Subjects in Simple Sentences Verbs in Simple Sentences Avoiding Fragments Placement of Nouns in Sentences Other Subject-Verb Patterns in Simple Sentences Comma Sense 5. Verb Forms Simple Verb Tenses Present and Past Participles Additional Verb Phrases Comma Sense 6. Pronouns and Pronoun Agreement Four Kinds of Personal Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns Compound Subjects with Either... Or, or Neither... Nor Comma Sense 7. Modifiers Adjectives Adjective Patterns Comma Sense Adverbs Comma Sense 8. Compound Sentences Three Methods of Constructing Compound Sentences Comma Sense Run-on Sentence and Comma Splice Errors Subject-Verb Agreement in Compound Sentences 9. Complex Sentences Type 1 Dependent Clause: Adverb Clause with a Subordinate Conjunction Comma Sense Type 2 Dependent Clause: Adjective Clause with a Relative Pronoun Comma Sense Type 3 Dependent Clause: Noun Clause Avoiding Fragments 10. Sentence Builders Appositives Combining Sentences Using Appositives Participial Phrases Series of Items Comma Sense Parallelism Sentence Variety Compound-Complex Sentences Fragments Appendix A. Punctuation Guide Appendix B. Student Answer Key