Selling Anxiety: How the News Media Scare Women

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Author: Caryl Rivers

ISBN-10: 1584657375

ISBN-13: 9781584657378

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

A strange duality affects the news media today. The more that women advance in the worlds of business, academia, medicine, and law, the gloomier news about women and their achievements becomes. As statistics report the rise in the number of women obtaining college and advanced degrees, the media increasingly tells them that this is a terrible mistake and that only by returning to traditional roles of wife and mother can women find true happiness. The message is that if women do achieve, they...

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A powerful and witty expose of how the media distorts news about women

Acknowledgments Introduction: Read All About It! Women Are a Mess!Superwomen and Twitching Wrecks Too Tired for Sex, Too Late for Babies?Divorce and Disruption Suffer the Little Children The Mommy Diaries The Muted Voice Hating Hillary, Trashing Teresa, and Mauling Martha Ladies of the Right News as Poli-Porn Brainpower The War on Birth Control Conclusion: Against Forgetting Notes Index

\ From the Publisher"Rivers is at her best when she holds up a well-known news story that condemns ambitious women and reveals the bad science behind it... her media lesson is a good one: Don't believe the hype."--Bust\ "What Rivers' book did for this woman is calm me down."--Margery Eagan, Boston Herald\ "Rivers explores examples of the disparaging ways professional women are depicted in the popular press."--BU Today (Boston University)\ "Continuing where Susan Faludi left off with Backlash, [Rivers] illustrates how specious pseudo-science, faulty "facts" and institutional sexism permeate news about gender issues, with negative consequences for public policy. Selling Anxiety does a great service to public debate by debunking the erroneous data upon which such shoddy journalism is based, and providing accurate information to counter sexist narratives."--Ms. Magazine\ \ \