Salvation And Truth In Worlds

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Author: Robert M. Fowler

ISBN-10: 1573093858

ISBN-13: 9781573093859

Category: Christianity - Comparative Studies

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PrefaceCh. IThe Problem of Conflicting Religious Truth Claims1Some Examples of the Conflicting Claims1Historical Christian Approaches to the Problem12The Need for Apologetics17The Thesis21Ch. IIEvidential Truth-Exclusivism33Arguments for God's Existence34Arguments for Jesus's Resurrection38Conclusion48Ch. IIIEvidential Truth-Exclusivism, continued53Ten Principles for Evaluating Truth54C. S. Lewis58A Critique of the Use of Moral Law62Mortimer Adler67Stanley Jaki72Conclusion77Ch. IVNon-Evidential Truth-Exclusivism and The Will To Believe85Plantinga's Reformed Epistemology86Criticism of Plantinga95Assessment of Plantinga100William James102Conclusion108Ch. VPluralism: Context-Relative Truth115D. Z. Phillips116Evaluation of Phillips122Wifred Cantwell Smith124Evaluation of Smith127Conclusion129Ch. VIPluralism: Transcendent Ultimate Reality137Paul Tillich138John Hick141A Consideration146Criticism of Tillich and Hick150Ch. VIIEvaluating the World's Religions161Hick's Soteriological Criterion161Criticisms of Hick's Criterion164Evaluation of the Criticisms167Conclusion172Ch. VIIIWhere Does All This Leave Us?179The Issue of Propositional Truth182The Believer's Right188The Possibility of Salvation189Have We Answered Myrtle's Question?194Bibliography199Index205