Rules, Patterns and Words: Grammar and Lexis in English Language Teaching

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Author: Dave Willis

ISBN-10: 0521536197

ISBN-13: 9780521536196

Category: Teaching - General & Miscellaneous

Teachers need a clear description of what constitutes grammar and how it can best be taught in the English language classroom. This book illustrates a new way of describing the grammar of spoken and written English and demonstrates how lexical phrases, frames and patterns provide a link between grammar and vocabulary. These processes and techniques are contextualised within a task-based approach to teaching and learning. Numerous interactive tasks are provided to guide readers. Over 40...

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In an accessible style, the author demonstrates the link between grammar and vocabulary.

Acknowledgementsviii1What is taught may not be what is learnt: Some preliminary questions11.1Some questions about tags21.2Some questions about questions51.3Some questions about learning61.4Learning processes81.5Some questions about language161.6Summary232Grammar and lexis and learning282.1The grammar of structure292.2The grammar of orientation342.3Pattern grammar372.4Class412.5Lexical phrases and frames432.6Collocation462.7Words452.8Summary473Developing a teaching strategy503.1Tasks and communicative purpose523.2Language focus and learning processes593.3Summary684The grammar of structure694.1Clauses: Structure and pattern694.2The noun phrase744.3The verb phrase904.4Specific structures914.5Summary925The grammar of orientation: The verb phrase945.1What is orientation?945.2The 'traditional' pedagogic description of the verb945.3A systematic description995.4Using the grammatical description1115.5Summary1246Orientation: Organising information1266.1Definite and indefinite articles1276.2Building grammatical systems1296.3Devices for organising text1326.4Summary1407Lexical phrases and patterns1427.1What is a lexical phrase?1427.2Polywords1457.3Frames1467.4Sentences and sentence stems1477.5Patterns1487.6Making learners aware of lexical phrases1607.7Teaching phrases and patterns1617.8Summary1668Class: The interlevel1688.1Grammar and lexis1688.2Class and structure1688.3Class and orientation1788.4Summary: Class and the lexical syllabus1849The grammar of spoken English1869.1Spoken and written language: Some differences1869.2Teaching the spoken language1989.3Summary21010A final summary21210.1Language learning and language development21210.2'Learning how to mean'21310.3Individual priorities21410.4The communicative framework21510.5Language description and learning processes21710.6Implications for teaching21910.7An integrated model22210.8Implications for syllabus design22210.9In the meantime ...225References227Subject index229Name index238