Rise of the Anti-Media: In-forming America's Concealed Weapon Carry Movement

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Author: Brian Anse Patrick

ISBN-10: 0739118862

ISBN-13: 9780739118863

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

The American concealed weapon carry movement, consisting largely of political amateurs, has changed the direction of gun control policy in the United States in the last two decades, overcoming well-entrenched professional elites in the process. In Rise of the Anti-Media: In-forming America's Concealed Weapon Carry Movement, Brian Anse Patrick reports the results of his almost ten years of research on the concealed carry movement. He skillfully traces the emergence of a politically charged new...

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The American concealed weapon carry movement, consisting largely of political amateurs, has succeeded in changing the direction of gun control policy in the U.S. in the last two decades, overcoming well-entrenched professional elites in the process. The movement succeeded because overlapping horizontal interpretive communities of a new American gun culture developed their own anti-media of communication, bypassing mainstream media systems, creating a new and politically potent informational sociology that works to their benefit.

List of Figures viiIntroduction: The Impossible Takes Twenty Years ixChapter 1 The Era of Restricted Carry 1Chapter 2 Energizing the New American Gun Culture 39Chapter 3 Diffusion of Concealed Carry 69Chapter 4 Horizontal Interpretive Communities in Action 93Chapter 5 Mass News Media and Concealed Carry 111Chapter 6 Women, Students, and Other Gun Culture Converts 133Chapter 7 Under Construction: Concealed Carry and the Meaning of the Second Amendment 171Chapter 8 Anti-Media, the Concealed Carry Movement, and the Original Meaning of the First Amendment 197Chapter 9 Informational Politics 217References 233Index 243About and Author 257Index 243About and Author 257

\ America's 1st FreedomIt's a simple, compelling and winning argument that Brian Anse Patrick makes in Rise of the Anti-Media...Patrick shows the true power within the grasp of ordinary Americans when they're driven by the pursuit of freedom.\ \ \ \ \ Peggy TartaroBrian Anse Patrick's new book deftly explores the emerging cadre of "concealed carry license" gun owners, an active, non-traditional group including women and minorities, who are shaping politics, often through alternative media.\ \ \ June 2010 HindsightHis focus on the communications necessary for a persuasive social movement lays bare the flaws of the anti-gun establishment, and simultaneously shines a new light on the anti-media used by gun rights activists to win surprising political victories in state after state....It belongs in every public library in America, and it makes sense to me that groups of gun rights activists get together to buy a copy to share and refer back to.... There is a lot to be learned by Patrick's review.\ \ \ \ \ June 2010 The New Gun Week[This book] belongs in every public library in America, and it makes sense to me that groups of gun rights activists get together to buy a copy to share and refer back to. There is a lot to be learned by Patrick’s review of how and why gun attitudes were as they were, and how and why we got to where we are today. Media professionals could learn from it, too. Their mistakes in talking down to the public and feeding slanted news and commentary have been exposed. After all, Patrick’s book is not just about the Second Amendment, but 'how the concealed carry movement succeeded through behaviors that embodied the First Amendment’s social action schematic,' as envisioned by the Founding Fathers.\ \ \ \ \ Don B. KatesGun control can be analyzed from many perspectives: law; criminology; politics; philosophy. Brian Anse Patrick's splendid new book on the movement to allow concealed carry covers all these perspectives, plus one more: he documents how 40 states adopted right to carry laws over the fervent opposition of the news media and political elites. This occurred through a brand new phenomenon— millions of people communicating and organizing over the Internet. This book is a magnificent achievement.\ \