Right To Bear Arms

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Author: Robert J. Spitzer

ISBN-10: 1576073475

ISBN-13: 9781576073476

Category: United States History - General & Miscellaneous

In The Right to Bear Arms: Rights and Liberties under the Law, the first volume in ABC-CLIO's America's Freedoms series, political scientist Robert J. Spitzer combats hysteria and rhetoric with simple facts.\ He takes no position on whether more or fewer gun control laws are needed or whether guns are good or bad. Instead, he traces the roots of the Second Amendment, analyzes the opinions and intentions of its authors, follows its application and evolution from its beginnings, and explores...

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An objective examination of the Second Amendment, focusing on the intentions of its authors, its evolution from America's beginnings to the present, and the views expressed by the courts. Stefani Koorey\\ - VOYA Highly accessible and easy to read, this attractively packaged reference work offers sixth- to twelfth-grade readers a comprehensive examination of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, with chapters on the history, politics, laws, and contemporary controversies of the right to bear arms. Also included are numerous excerpts from Supreme Court decisions; a useful dictionary of key people, laws, events, and concepts; a lengthy chronology; and a substantial and well-developed annotated bibliography. Of concern, however, is the book's misrepresentation as an unbiased presentation of "one of the most enduringly controversial, timely, and riveting issues of public concern over the last several decades." It proves, in fact, to be quite the opposite, rife with decidedly partial opinions and inflammatory rhetoric against the role of the National Rifle Association and its leaders in recent gun control issues. Luckily, the author's agenda is relegated to only a minor portion of the text and proves to be the one disappointment of the book. First in the America's Freedoms series, this resource will be well-worn within a matter of months. This purchase is recommended for both reference and circulation for all public and school libraries, with the above reservations. Glossary. Index. Biblio. Further Reading. Chronology. Appendix. 2001, ABC-CLIO, 263p. PLB

Series ForewordPreface and Acknowledgments1Introduction1What the Second Amendment Says6Outline of the Book92Origins13The British Heritage13The Colonial Experience15The Constitution20The Federalist-Antifederalist Debate23The Bill of Rights24The Decline of the Old Militia System28Supreme Court Rulings32Other Court Rulings38The Textbook View423Twentieth-Century Issues49Alternate Views51The "Right of Revolution"59Spreading Arguments in the Media62Seeking Shelter under the Fourteenth Amendment64The Second Amendment and Politics71Rights Talk814The Twenty-first Century89The Brady Law, the Assault Weapons Ban, and Beyond90The New Militia Movement102Recent Court Actions110Escalating Second Amendment Rhetoric1155Key People, Cases, and Events1316Documents155The Calling Forth Act of 1792156The Uniform Militia Act of 1792159United States v. Cruikshank (1876)165Presser v. Illinois (1886)189United States v. Miller (1939)200Quilici v. Village of Morton Grove (1982)206State Right-to-Bear-Arms Provisions218Major Party Platforms on Gun Control227Chronology235Table of Cases243Annotated Bibliography247Index257About the Author263\\

\ VOYAHighly accessible and easy to read, this attractively packaged reference work offers sixth- to twelfth-grade readers a comprehensive examination of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, with chapters on the history, politics, laws, and contemporary controversies of the right to bear arms. Also included are numerous excerpts from Supreme Court decisions; a useful dictionary of key people, laws, events, and concepts; a lengthy chronology; and a substantial and well-developed annotated bibliography. Of concern, however, is the book's misrepresentation as an unbiased presentation of "one of the most enduringly controversial, timely, and riveting issues of public concern over the last several decades." It proves, in fact, to be quite the opposite, rife with decidedly partial opinions and inflammatory rhetoric against the role of the National Rifle Association and its leaders in recent gun control issues. Luckily, the author's agenda is relegated to only a minor portion of the text and proves to be the one disappointment of the book. First in the America's Freedoms series, this resource will be well-worn within a matter of months. This purchase is recommended for both reference and circulation for all public and school libraries, with the above reservations. Glossary. Index. Biblio. Further Reading. Chronology. Appendix. 2001, ABC-CLIO, 263p. PLB \ — Stefani Koorey\\\ \