Rethinking Democratic Accountability

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Author: Robert D. Behn

ISBN-10: 0815708629

ISBN-13: 9780815708629

Category: Industry Profiles - Management

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What do we mean by democratic accountability? With that simple question, Robert Behn launches his analysis of how compliance and performance are measured in public institutions. In Rethinking Democratic Accountability Behn examines the limits of existing systems and recommends new models to address the changing goals and challenges of public management.

Prefacevii1What Do We Mean by Accountability, Anyway?12Performance and the New Public Management223The Traditional Public Administration Paradigm of Accountability404The Questions of Democratic Accountability625Discretion and Trust816Retrospective Accountability for Performance1037A New Compact of Mutual, Collective Responsibility1208The Cooperation Challenge1419Fostering Cooperation with Conventions and Norms15510Evolving a Charter Agency17611360-Degree Accountability for Performance196Notes219Index311