Residual Stress and Its Effects on Fatigue and Fracture: Proceedings of a Special Symposium held within the 16th European Conference of Fracture - ECF16, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 3-7 July, 2006

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Author: Anastasius Youtsos

ISBN-10: 1402053282

ISBN-13: 9781402053283

Category: Structural Engineering - General & Miscellaneous

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The contents of this book have been grouped into three topic areas covering theoretical /numerical and experimental analyses of residual stress and its effects on fatigue and fracture. It details recent advances on its title topics by leading European experts and contains theoretical/numerical studies of high value backed by sound experimental data. It also provides experimental studies based on novel and verifiable testing methods.

Organizers     vPreface of ECF16 Chairman     viPreface of Symposium Chairman     viiSession: Residual Stress Analysis by Modelling Techniques - IResidual Stress Numerical Simulation of Two Dissimilar Metal Weld Junctions   P. Gilies   L. Nouet   J. Devaux   P. Duranton     3Finite Element Simulation of Welding in Pipes: A Sensitivity Analysis   D.E. Katsareas   C. Ohms   A.G. Youtsos     15Residual Stress Prediction in Letterbox-Type Repair Welds   L.K. Kappas   N.K. Anifantis   D.E. Katsareas   A.G. Youtsos     27Viscosity Effect on Displacements and Residual Stresses of a Two-Pass Welding Plate   W. El Ahmar   J.-F. Jullien     41Session: Residual Stress Analysis by Experimental MethodsEvaluation of Novel Post Weld Heat Treatment in Ferritic Steel Repair Welds based on Neutron Diffraction   C. Ohms   D. Neov   A.G. Youtsos   R.C. Wimpory     55High-Resolution Neutron Diffraction for Residual Strain/Stress Investigations   P. Mikula   M. Vrana     67Effects of the Cryogenic Wire Brushing on the Surface Integrity and the Fatigue Life Improvements of the AISI 304 Stainless Steel Ground Components   N. Ben Fredj   A. Djemaiel   A. Ben Rhouma   H. Sidhom   C. Braham     77Surface Integrity in High Speed Machining of Ti-6wt.%AI-4wt.%V Alloy   J.D. Puerta Velasquez   B. Belle   P. Chevrier   A. Tidu     87The Present and the New HFR-Petten SANS Facility   O. Uca   C. Ohms   A.G. Youtsos     97Session: Residual Stress Analysis by Modelling Techniques - IISensitivity of Predicted Residual Stresses to Modelling Assumptions   S.K. Bate   R. Charles   D. Everett   D. O'Gara   A. Warren   S. Yellowlees     105Welding Effects on Thin Stiffened Panels   T.T. Chau     117Evaluation of Residual Stresses in Ceramic and Polymer Matrix Composites Using Finite Element Method   K. Babski   T. Boguszewski   A. Boczkowska   M. Lewandowska   W. Swieszkowski   K.J. Kurzydlowski     139Phase Transformation and Damage Elastoplastic Multiphase Model for Welding Simulation   T. Wu   M. Coret   A. Combescure     149Session: Residual Stress Effects on Fatigue and FractureIdentification of Residual Stress Length Scales in Welds for Fracture Assessment   P.J. Bouchard   P.J. Withers      163Interaction of Residual Stress with Mechanical Loading in a Ferritic Steel   A. Mirzaee-Sisan   M.C. Smith   C.E. Truman   D.J. Smith     177Effects of Residual Stresses on Crack Growth In Aluminum Alloys   B. Kumar     189Effect of Reflection Shot Peening and Fine Grain Size on Improvement of Fatigue Strength for Metal Bellows   H. Okada   A. Tange   K. Ando     201Surface Crack Development in Transformation Induced Fatigue of SMA Actuators   D.C. Lagoudas   O.W. Bertacchini   E. Patoor     209Assessment of Defects under Combined Primary and Residual Stresses   A.H. Sherry   J. Quinta da Fonseca   K. Taylor   M.R. Goldthorpe     223Author Index     233