Researching Food Habits: Methods and Problems

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Author: Helen Macbeth

ISBN-10: 1571815457

ISBN-13: 9781571815453

Category: General & Miscellaneous Cooking

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The term &rsquoAnthropology of Food&rsquo has become an accepted abbreviation for the study of anthropological perspectives on food, diet and nutrition, an increasingly important subdivision of anthropology that encompasses a rich variety of perspectives, academic approaches, theories, and methods. Its multi-disciplinary nature adds to its complexity. This is the first publication to offer guidance for researchers working in this diverse and expanding field of anthropology.

List of FiguresList of TablesPrefaceList of ContributorsIntroduction: How to do Anthropologies of Food11Anthropology of Food and Pluridisciplinarity152Definitions, Concepts and Methods in the Ethnobotany of Food Plants293Qualitative Research in the Anthropology of Food: A Comprehensive Qualitative/Quantitative Approach414'Tell me what you eat and you will tell me who you are': Methodological Notes on the Interaction between Researcher and Informants in the Anthropology of Food555Food, Identity, Identification636Doing it Wrong: Why Bother to do Imperfect Research?757Methods for Assessing Taste Abilities and Hedonic Responses in Human and Nonhuman Primates878Researching Food Preferences: Methods and Problems for Anthropologists1019Dietary Intake Methods in the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition11910Studying Food Intake Frequency: A Macrosurvey Technique for Anthropologists13511The Concept of Energy Balance and the Quantification of Time Allocation and Energy Expenditure14912Methods for Obtaining Quantitative Data on Food Habits in the First Half of the Twentieth Century16113Reconstructing Diets for Compensation for Nuclear Testing in Rongelap, Marshall Islands16914Food, Culture, Political and Economic Identity: Revitalising the Food-Systems Perspective in the Study of Food-based Identity181Epilogue: Some Final Hints193Glossary197Index205