Representation and Reality

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Author: Hilary Putnam

ISBN-10: 0262660741

ISBN-13: 9780262660747

Category: General & Miscellaneous Philosophy

Hilary Putnam, who may have been the first philosopher to advance the notion that the computer is an apt model for the mind, takes a radically new view of his own theory of functionalism in this book. Putnam argues that in fact the computational analogy cannot answer the important questions about the nature of such mental states as belief, reasoning, rationality, and knowledge that lie at the heart of the philosophy of mind.Hilary Putnam is Walter Beverly Pearson Professor of Mathematical...

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Hilary Putnam, who may have been the first philosopher to advance the notion that the computer is an apt model for the mind, takes a radically new view of his own theory of functionalism in this book.

PrefaceIntroductionChapter 1 Meaning and MentalismFodor and ChomskyThree Reasons Why Mentalism Can't Be Right1. Meaning Is Holistic2. Meaning Is in Part a Normative Notion3. Our Concepts Depend on Our Physical and Social Environment in a Way That Evolution (Which Was Com...Connections between 1, 2, and 3Chapter 2 Meaning, Other People, and the WorldThe Division of Linguistic LaborElms, Beeches, and SearleThe Contribution of the EnvironmentAn Indexical ComponentOther Natural KindsReference and Theory ChangeMeaning and "Mental Representation"Chapter 3 Fodor and Block on "Narrow Content"Narrow Content as a "Function of Observable Properties""Narrow Content" and "Conceptual Role"Concluding RemarksChapter 4 Are There Such Things as Reference and Truth?Why "Folk Psychology" and Not "Folk Logic"?Disquotation, Anyone?The "Semantical Conception" of TruthDisquotation as DisappearanceChapter 5 Why Functionalism Didn't WorkSociofunctionalismWhat "In Principle" Means HereThe Single-Computational-State Version of FunctionalismEquivalenceSurveying RationalityChapter 6 Other Forms of FunctionalismDavid Lewis and ILewis's Theory Further ExaminedConclusionChapter 7 A Sketch of an Alternative PictureObjectivity and Conceptual RelativityInternal Realism as an Alternative PictureMy Present Diagnosis of the "Functionalism" IssueAppendixNotesAuthor Index