Renaissance Scepticisms

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Author: Gianni Paganini

ISBN-10: 1402085176

ISBN-13: 9781402085178

Category: Renaissance & Modern Philosophy

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Even if specific peces of research (on the sources or on individual authors, such as Pico, Agrippa, Erasmus, Montaigne, Sanchez etc.) have given and are still producing significant results on Renaissance scepticism, an overall synthesis comprising the entire period has not been achieved yet. No predetermined idea of that complex historical subject that is Renaissance scepticism underlies this book, and even less we want to sacrifice the complexity of movements, personalities, tendencies and interpretations to any sort of a priori unity of theme. We acknowledge unhesitatingly that we had always though of "scepticisms" in the plural, and believe that the different contexts (philosophical, religious, cultural) in which these forms grew up must also be taken into account.

Contributors ixIntroduction Gianni Paganini Jose R. Maia Neto 1Part I Before Reading SextusRenaissance Pyrrhonism: A Relative Phenomenon Emmanuel Naya 13Self-Knowledge, Scepticism and the Quest for a New Method: Juan Luis Vives on Cognition and the Impossibility of Perfect Knowledge Lorenzo Casini 33Part II Scepticism, Reformation and Counter-ReformationThe Issue of Reformation Scepticism Revisited: What Erasmus and Sebastian Castellio Did or Did Not Know Irena Backus 61Tutius ignorare quam scire: Cornelius Agrippa and Scepticism Vittoria Perrone Compagni 91Pedro de Valencia's Academica and Scepticism in Late Renaissance Spain John Christian Laursen 111Part III Four Renaissance ScepticsInter Alias Philosophorum Gentium Sectas, Et Humani, Et Mites: Gianfrancesco Pico and the Sceptics Gian Mario Cao 125Humanus Animus Nusquam Consistit: Doctor Sanchez's Diagnosis of the Incurable Human Unrest and Ignorance Agostino Lupoli 149Montaigne and Plutarch: A Scepticism That Conquers the Mind Nicola Panichi 183Charron's Academic Sceptical Wisdom Jose R. Maia Neto 213Part IV Three Reactions to ScepticismGiordano Bruno on Scepticism Tristan Dagron 231The Sceptical Evaluation of Techne and Baconian Science Bernardo J. de Oliveira Jose R. Maia Neto 249Tommaso Campanella: The Reappraisal and Refutation of Scepticism Gianni Paganini 275Index of Names 305