Religious Truth: A Volume in the Comparative Religious Ideas Project

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Author: Jonathan Z. Smith

ISBN-10: 0791447774

ISBN-13: 9780791447772

Category: General & Miscellaneous Religion

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ForewordxiPrefacexiiiAcknowledgmentsxxvIntroduction11Truth in Chinese Religion71.1General Perspectives71.2The Nature of Truth111.3Expressions of Truth191.4Cultivation and Embodiment of Truth281.5Conclusion382From Truth to Religious Truth in Hindu Philosophical Theology432.1How They Forged a Conversation on Religious Truth in Ancient India432.2Ordinary Truth442.3Ordinary Truth as Right Knowing: pramana, prameya, prama452.4Religious Truth462.5Nyaya: God Is Like a Potmaker472.6Mimamsa: No Need for a World-Maker502.7Knowing the God of Scripture in Visistadvaita Vedanta532.8Advaita Vedanta and the Scriptural Origins of Empirical Truth552.9The Hindu Debate about Truth572.10Public Discourse and Its Sectarian Roots593"With Great Noise and Mighty Whirlpools the Ganges Flowed Backwards": Buddhist Approaches to Truth653.1Introduction653.2Embodied Truth-in-Practice663.3Epistemological Truth693.4Scriptural and Revelatory Truth764"To Practice Together Truth and Humility, Justice and Law, Love of Merciful Kindness and Modest Behavior"834.1Introduction834.2The Biblical Tradition864.3The Dead Sea Scrolls884.4The Talmud934.5Saadia Gaon and Philosophical Truth944.6The Response to Modernity974.7Conclusions and Comparisons1005Patristic Prama and Pramana: Augustine and the Quest for Truth1095.1Introduction1095.2The One, the Many, and the Problem of Evil1105.3Mani and Plato1115.4The Knower, Knowing, and the Known1155.5Some Comparisons1196The Taxonomy of Truth in the Islamic Religious Doctrine and Tradition1276.1Introduction1276.2Explication of the Notion of Sidq1286.3Abu Hamid al-Ghazali's Hierarchy of Sidq1316.4The Ontological Equivalence of Truth and Reality: al-Haqq and al-Haqiqa1356.5The Epistemological Question1376.6The Functional Approach: Fiqh and Shara'a Recalled1386.7The Rational-Mystical Approach: The Ghazalian Synthesis1396.8Essential Reality of the Truth1407Religious Truth in the Six Traditions: A Summary1457.1Religious Truth: Our Categories and Their Justification1457.2Religious Truth as an Epistemological Problem1497.3Religious Truth as Expressed in Sacred Texts and Objects1547.4Religious Truth as Cultivation and Embodiment1597.5Religious Truth as Opposed to Error, Deceit, and Failure1628A Contemporary Understanding of Religious Truth1718.1Truths in Religion1718.2Truth in Interpretation1768.3Truth in Reference1828.4Truth in Achieved Meaning1878.5Truth in Transformation1919On the Nature of Religion: Lessons We Have Learned2039.1Remarks on Our Experience of Studying Religion2049.2Remarks on Our Construction of Theories of Aspects of Religion2089.3Remarks on the Relation between Comparison and Theory Building2119.4Conjectures on Comparison and Theories of Religion21310Director's Conclusions219Appendix AOn the Process of the Project During the Third Year227Appendix BSuggestions for Further Reading237List of Contributors325Index of Names327Index of Subjects331