Reality of Nursing Research

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Author: Lyne and Allen

ISBN-10: 0415346274

ISBN-13: 9780415346276

Category: Nursing Research & Theory

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Nursing, midwifery and health visiting are relatively young disciplines and are shaped by their location at the interface of academia and practice. As a result, researchers are often unaware of and unprepared for issues which can have a major impact on their work. Focusing on the nurse researcher's dual role as practitioner and researcher, as well as research ethics and the relationship between practitioner and academic agendas, The Reality of Nursing Research helps to:· locate the practical dilemmas of nursing research in historical and policy context · prepare those about to embark on research for some of the issues they will face · reassure researchers that they are not the only ones to encounter the complexity of real life research · support the research teacher or supervisor in preparing and mentoring their students · share experiences of others who have encountered similar issues and provide some practical advice on their resolution. This impressive and approachable text looks at the real life dilemmas faced by nurse researchers at key stages of the research process from developing a research question through to disseminating the findings. With illustrative case studies and practical advice for nurse researchers it will appeal to teachers of research, research supervisors and nurses undertaking research at diploma through to doctoral level.

Foreword: Anne Marie Rafferty Preface Acknowledgements AbbreviationsPart 1: The Reality of Nursing Research: Historical and Political Context Introduction1.Where Are We Now?2.How Did We Get There?3.Expectations of Research4.The Research Field5.The Continuum of Research EngagementPart 2: The Reality of Nursing Research: Tales from the Field Introduction6.Selecting a Topic: Nicola Evans & Linda Edmunds7.Negotiating a Proposal through Gate-Keeping Committees: Davina Allen & Ben Hannigan8.Data Generation: Ben Hannigan9.Researching Practice, Service Delivery and Organization: Lisa Franklin & Chris Martinsen10.Researching Your Own Clients/Students: Lesley Lowes & Keith Weeks11.Relationship with the Data (Analysis): Davina Allen & Patricia Lyne12.Relationship with Multidisciplinary Research Teams: Sally Rees & Sue Bale13.Disseminating Research Findings: Philip Satherley & Patricia LyneConclusion