Re-Viewing le Morte Darthur: Texts and Contexts, Characters and Themes

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Author: K. S. Whetter

ISBN-10: 1843840359

ISBN-13: 9781843840350

Category: Ancient & Medieval Literature

The essays in this collection present a range of new ideas and approaches in Malory studies, looking again (as the title suggests) at several of the most debated critical points. A number of articles focus closely on the implications of the production of the text, ranging from the repercussions of the working habits of the Winchester scribes, as well as of Malory's printers and editors, to a reassessment of Caxton's Preface. There are also nuanced readings of geography and politics in the...

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The essays in this collection present a range of new ideas and approaches in Malory studies, looking again (as the title suggests) at several of the most debated critical points. A number of articles focus closely on the implications of the production of the text, ranging from the repercussions of the working habits of the Winchester scribes, as well as of Malory's printers and editors, to a reassessment of Caxton's Preface. There are also nuanced readings of geography and politics in the Morte Darthur and its fifteenth-century contexts, and analyses of text and context in relation to the role of women, character and theme in the Morte, including the important questions of worshyp and mesure, as well as the issues of coherence and genre.

Introduction : P. J. C. Field11Corrected mistakes in the Winchester manuscript92Textual harassment : Caxton, de Worde, and Malory's Morte Darthur273'Thynges forsayd aledged' : Historia and argumentum in Caxton's preface to the Morte Darthur494From 'Saracens' to 'Infydeles' : the recontextualization of the East in Caxton's edition of Le Morte Darthur655Malory's 'Tale of King Arthur' and the political geography of fifteenth-century England796Symbolic uses of space in Malory's Morte Darthur957Women's worship : female versions of chivalric honour1078'Oute of mesure' : violence and knighthood in Malory's Morte Darthur1199Why every knight needs his lady : re-viewing questions of genre and 'cohesion' in Malory's Le Morte Darthur13310On misunderstanding Malory's Balyn149